Images of items I have purchased.

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Some sugary delights


All the shops around me have stopped selling these. :(
The perfect start to the week:

Love that the vinyl edition comes with a digital download :D Just finished my first run through of a digital only edition (thus no pic), very division bellish (which isn't really surprising). Enjoyable but i get the feeling it'll need a few run thoughts to fully enjoy.
Lol the 'build'


Funny thing is the arm length would be too tight and the zip would not be able to be done up if I had this so called "build" and the next size up is for people taller than I am :D

Some of these guys are quite good comedians though I'll give them that in a laugh at not laugh with kind of way :p
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How much was it? You definitely missed out on a killer deal on the Corsair K90 for £49.95 recently if the above cost more than that.
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