Images of items I have purchased.

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Its an actual sword though, right? I mean you could kill somebody with that if you really wanted to?

Are they legal to own in the UK?

Yea, legal to own, its non functional in that its a non-sharpened blade.

Having said that its a pointy object with a lot of weight behind it, you could do a lot of damage if you were so inclined.

Its an actual sword though, right? I mean you could kill somebody with that if you really wanted to?

Are they legal to own in the UK?

It might snap and hit you in the face like happened to some TV sales guy with one of them replica katanas.
Yea, legal to own, its non functional in that its a non-sharpened blade.

Having said that its a pointy object with a lot of weight behind it, you could do a lot of damage if you were so inclined.

*** Fully Star your swear words *** - Will Gill
sweet! Imagine getting burgled and you come down swinging that ****! :D
You'd best put that away before your mum get's home...

Hah, you know I'm having a new garage door put in on Wednesday, the guy came round today to do the paperwork, and the first thing he asked is "are you old enough to sign for this"....

I was nearly floored, I know I look a lot younger than my age, but to look under 18!? is he taking the ****!?
Haha! I was looking at getting some Warglaives for a halloween costume a few years back, couldn't find any anywhere. :(

Pffffft. Good luck. Pretty sure Blizzard has never made a set of those and they are pretty complicated and detailed weapons. You'd probably have to have them custom made.

Which would be expensive as hell! :eek:
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