Images of items I have purchased.

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Illegal and outside the scope of 99% of the population. :) I just feel some sort of unified way of accessing all the worlds licensed media will be along shortly, it's a digital era afterall and the demand for on demand and cloud based services is ever growing.

Illegal isn't a synonym for wrong or bad, and if it was a deterrent to not do something then people wouldn't speed and so on.
I have just started on a new hobby.

I am going to collect these in all different sizes.

Wera Kraftform -- Poz 2 and Ph 2


Got some long Weras after being recommended them in the Home and Garden section. Great drivers. And the magnetising bit is fantastic. Charge up to hold the screw in place and then discharge to return to normal. Saved my knuckles when putting my motherboard into it's case and tightening up the top left and top middle screws where the heatsink would usually get in the way of my paws.
Like asking to inspect the parcel and running off without paying the charges is not illegal nor bad right? :p

Completely civil, however when they are trying to extort £13 out of you for nothing, then lying that they're customs fees, that the border agency will come after you for it and the they will accept either the full amount, or nothing, who in their right mind chooses anything but nothing?

I already had the parcel in my hands, and it's actually an offence for them to hold your parcels to ransom. So...
Completely civil, however when they are trying to extort £13 out of you for nothing, then lying that they're customs fees, that the border agency will come after you for it and the they will accept either the full amount, or nothing, who in their right mind chooses anything but nothing?

I already had the parcel in my hands, and it's actually an offence for them to hold your parcels to ransom. So...

So it's not illegal, immoral or bad right?
definitely buy a new strap, the one it comes with is laughable, I'm amazed no reviews mention it.

I just shoved on an old Graham strap I had, not perfect, but so much nicer than the OEM jobbie[img][/QUOTE]
Moto 360 right? That looks quite nice with the different strap. And looks much nicer on than I was expecting.

Damn, I really want one of these :D
nah, LG G watch R, moto 360 I didn't buy solely because of the silly screen issue
Ahhhh I see! :) The 360 is the one I was looking to get but having just had a quick look at the screen issue you mentioned(half of it going black and it seems to happen to a fair few people) I'm no longer convinced.

Maybe I'll wait until more start coming onto the market. You had any issues with yours? What's battery like?
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