Images of items I have purchased.

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Genuine question; I could also blow my cash on your haul above but then would be down a significant chunk of my house deposit.

1.Are you guys young free and single, living at home and splurging wedges of your salary on these items because you can?

2. Are you rich and doing very well for yourself?

3. Are your parents rich and you have a privileged background?

4. Or is it all financed by credit cards and dole money?
You forgot one..

6. Work 60 hours a week :(
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I have always always wanted a big engine diesel american truck, no idea why i like the agricultural stuff in older trucks

So I have bought this, collect tomo,

6.2 litre v8 Diesel
1993 chevrolet Cheyenne american import
Recent body of refurb

its a bit white at the back so need to work out what to do there

chev by regy53, on Flickr

chev4 by regy53, on Flickr
Not as bad as I thought it would be :p

Can you make massive clouds of black smoke with it or does it have a UK friendly exhaust?

Smokey and noisey but very v8 petrol like noise

Not to bad on fuel depending on what your doing, 75 mph in overdrive is 2000 revs so not working hard but it picks up like somthing that's not a diesel. More like a nasp petrol
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