Images of items I have purchased.

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Our Magimix kettle broke after 5 years of ownership so yesterday we had to go out and buy a replacement:

Really like the style and think we will be replacing the Magimix Toaster and get the Stand Mixer to match :)

Nice, I'd like one which says clagnut, but smeg is good.
These are on special offer at the moment on the MS store (£26.50), ordered last night and postman was knocking this morning, works really well so have ordered another :)

Ooooh, we are moving into a new house and was planning a Chromecast for playing things via apps etc but this, this is perfect.

Be careful, they work differently. The Chromecast takes over as the primary streaming device (for example, if you're using netflix it launches as an app on your Chromecast (though still controlled by your tablet/web-browser) but with the Microsoft Miracast device it operates either as a screen mirror or as a secondary screen.

One thing I have found is that randomly it'll decide not to work and i have to un-install and re-install it.
These are on special offer at the moment on the MS store (£26.50), ordered last night and postman was knocking this morning, works really well so have ordered another :)


This is for non smart TV's right?

As we use the wireless screen function at work without any dongles. (on a smart tv ofc).
Be careful, they work differently.
Yep - Currently use a HDMI lead straight into the TV.

So this would effectively be a 30~40M HDMI cable.
(I have a 25M one but likely not reach into a different room)

Chromecast is "not as good" a solution.
Have Bluetooth to fill in the audio role until we decide where the TV will stay permanently at which point the drill comes out and proper cables go in :)
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