Images of items I have purchased.

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Crazy plugs, yo.

Can't... un-see...



please re-do those.

I've had a very hard day and all of the above made me guffaw out loud. Thank you.
I added it up yesterday and it came to £465 ;)

But there also a little more to it then it just being a lego toy for my niece..
My father has cancer and I noticed that he really loves spending lots of time with his 6 year old great granddaughter helping her build these lego sets :)

all the best for your father.

My father has cancer at the moment and I also lost my mother to cancer when I was 8 so I know how this can be hard on a family so well done what a great gesture brought a tear to my eye

I thought I had failed, I knew I needed the right angled adapter for my drill but couldn't think of the name for the hex drill bit. It only hit me today over lunch.

Moral of the story? Memory is best helped by food :D
Brilliant :)
Where did you get it from?
Would make a nice gift for someone I know!

Worth buying just for the label. :D

Very belatedly - as pointed out by Hyburnate, apparently Waitrose have it. I know it's in a few places in the UK, as some of my friends recognised it from Facebook too. I picked it up in the underground supermarket of the new Tainan Dream Mall, which is probably not all that useful :p They also to a Longue-dog, which is another cute label.

Wine itself was fine, but meh, rose :p

I have no picture, but we did just buy a new king sized bed for the spare room. I'm now petitioning for us to make that our room our room. Apparently most beds are not made with people 6ft+ in mind in this country.

Time for a real file server.

Arrived today and just finished putting it together and flashed the HBA controller firmware. All whilst drinking some beers, my kinda night.

^ To tweak and customise various aspects of my car.


^ To eradicate the need to take my phone to change volume/album/tracks on the walks to/from work in this cold weather and simply do it from this little bluetooth remote :cool:
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