Nope I dumped £2k in a little below that price. It'll only matter when I cash out which long term is 10 years away.
I'm not going to not reply and yes it's the truth.
I feel so much pity for you right now. All those years you missed...the hundreds of references others were probably laughing about and you had no idea what was going on but nodded and laughed anyways.....I don't watch kids programmes
you've obviously never played knifey spoony
Picture was taken with a £5 olympus manual lens (which im still learning) on a sony A6000Those Sony's often misfocus?
Very nice. Which body is that going on?
you've obviously never played knifey spoony
Now all you need is for all your other drives in the system to be able to write at that speed..
That was my line
Now all you need is for all your other drives in the system to be able to write at that speed..
Or any files you copy or paste from it will only transfer at the speed of the slowest drive..
Atleast no one else followed this stock tip ... Now trading at 197
Why the hell would you buy stock before a referendum.
I hope not. I'd hope you would have use the correct quote that geuben mentioned