imature : Words that just make you giggle?

I work in law enforcement, and everyone's always talking about people in 'custardy'.

It always makes me think of swimming in a vat of custard.

The mere mention of it by a friend during a French GCSE exam nearly got us both thrown out due to the ensuing giggles :(
did u know the plural of penis is penii?
omg!! necessary? spoken in a posh accent!! maths lesson with hated teacher!! had to be there to understand it!! (i dont care if its spelt wrong for all u smart bums!!)
I feel I have inadvertantly stumbled into a room occupied by mild keyboard tourette sufferers...
Oh well!

(gusset - tee hee hee)
Andr3w said:
You know those moments, when somebody says a sensible word but you just cant help but giggle? Well what words do it for you?
when ever somebody says the word "moist" i cant help but breakout laughing and i have no idea why lol :rolleyes:

You guys?
out it this way, i laughed at moist just then :P
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