Implosion vs. Explosion

an implosion will target the force inwards towards a 'centre', this will in turn cause the explosive force to rebound and blow outwards at a greater velocity,

or to compress another compound like plutonium, which results in a nuclear explosion,

it is fair to say that most implosions result in explosions, unless the original implosion is under enough pressure to contain it, deep water implosions are an example.
I drew this helpful diagram for you:

Implosion still makes a mess and goes everywhere.

I for one found this very helpful. I hope you don't mind but I have printed out a copy and will probably frame it.
In the case of a strip lamp the forming process for the glass will leave tensile stress in the material. Whilst an implosion is caused by external pressure inwards as the glass shatters the tensile stress will be released. The release won't all be radially inwards so shards will be flung energetically in many directions. The same would be true for a CRT.
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