~~~~~IMPORTANT SANDYBRIDGE OC INFO: Voltages & OC Guide!!~~~~~

Nope, back to 1.40v otherwise if the CPU failed we'd not know if it died from too much Vcore or a combination of too much Vcore and too much Vdimm.

If its still priming in the morning, next step is 1.52v and see how it goes. If it survives at 1.52v I think we can rule vcore and vdimm out as the issue. Then we shall move too running both high vcore and high vdimm.

But this CPU does not seem that delicate which right now is really pointing towards the issues people have had to be teething issues and not that sandybridge is unreliable or fragile, time will tell.

any updates?

what are the safe limits then for memory voltage and vcore?
any updates?

what are the safe limits then for memory voltage and vcore?

If your talking about extreme overclocking, it would depend on your own components individual stress limits through your own testing. Stick to the normal procedure which I found the DRAM running fine from 1.51-1.54v to get the rated speeds. With lower speeds - from 1866MHz to 1600MHz your could drop this further to 1.42v and it would boot and run stable with lower timings too. Not tried any other combinations yet. As for the CPU vcore, you can boot it safely between 1.12v (no overclocking at all) to 1.352v to achieve 24/7 stability @4.6GHz.
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