Improving wireless signal with an extra router

31 Aug 2009
Hi all

The wireless signal in my flat doesn't cover all the rooms so I wondered whether using my spare router in a room at the other end of the flat (in addition to the existing router) would rectify this.

I'm still waiting to confirm the password for the existing router with the ISP (my flatmate has forgotten it) so haven't been able to try it for myself yet, but if it's definitely not going to work then I won't bother continuing to hassle them for the details. If it makes any difference, the routers are different makes.

Any advice much appreciated! Thanks.
- Look on web at make / model of router and find default password.
- reset router
- access via default password

Sorry, just to clarify - it's the password for the account with the ISP that I'm being prompted for, not the password for the router (took an educated guess at that!).

And I have no idea what powerline plugs are!
Ouch, those plugs are expensive!

Yes, my plan was to connect both routers at the same time to get wireless at both ends of the flat. Will that not work?

This is a nightmare - I can get 20 other wireless connections from my bedroom but not my own!
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