In saerch for "In Flames'alikes"

sup3rc0w said:
I love In Flames to bits.
What I like most is the fact that they are (in my opinion quite heavy) but still VERY melodic. Screamy/with a good tune.

Searching for similar bands at the moment, but can't say that I know of too many.

Any suggestions ?
Scar Symmetry.

Formed in 2004 and they are awesome, signed to Nuclear Blast.

Same sort of style as In Flames (Mix of screams, shouts and clean vocals)

Try some here;
Dark Tranquillity - Damage Done
Arch Enemy - Wages Of Sin
Soilwork - Natural Born Chaos
Carnal Forge - Please.....Die
Darkane - Layer Of Lies
Cipher System - Central Tunnel Eight
At the Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul
Soilwork - Stabbing The Drama ( more in flames, as in, clean vox+dirty vox )
Scar Symmetry - Pitch Black Progress
Dimension Zero - Silent Night Fever

Afew that are similiar, i suppose.

Mid-Career era. Although it's still a lot cleaner vocals than IF

Their old stuff is real good! Death/Doom Metal 4TW :D
And if you like that, try Anathema and My Dying Bride. :)
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