** IN STOCK NOW - BitFenix Colossus M **

It's nothing new Lian Li has used the same chassis for every sized build for years.

Coolermaster have done on a few of theirs too. Making a universal chassis is an excellent way to expand a product range without wasting time developing and testing a new structure.

"if it ain't broke don't fix it"

In my opinion it provides different people with options across the small form factor which until this range was released has been a relatively expensive and boring range.

In fairness, i do agree, it is a great business strategy, and it does give us variation. I don't disagree with their design strategy.

The only thing i don't really like is that they market it like its an entirely new case when its not that different.
my psu is coolermaster silent pro gold 1200watts. will this case be suitable if I buy the gene board and can I still use my 780s in sli and my h90 with it?
Quality control was an issue yes, but that doesn't stop it from being a very good case when you get one. (Although I had numerous replacement parts sent.)

The Shinobi I built in was enough to put me off, felt cheap and light, didn't sit straight so wobbled to hell. Hammer was needed.

But stulid, you are biased because you have to be. :p

My next case looks to be the 250D I have been really impressed by the recent 350D and 750D I have dealt with. If this case was cheaper than fair enough, but personally I don't think it warrants the price to be the same as the corsair variant.

(Personal opinion obviously).
I am going to get the ITX version and play with a dremmel a bit, see if I can fix a 200mm Phobya in front - BF site sais 200mm rads fit, so lets see.
And maybe going to add the window myself, acrylic is cheap :D
Prestige AIO should be able to run 240+200 rad setup.

Btw, I like this case much more than 250D. It seems I'd have to cut 250 to pieces in order to mod it properly, while this BF case seems more DIY friendly, that's pointed out on BF site as well.

Edit: Purchased, can't wait to have some fun with it :-)
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It is just a guess but judging by the size of the PSU cage, I'd say its 180mm.
I should have it tomorrow afternoon so will let you know for sure (I have evga 750w which is 180mm long).
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