increasing the size of /home

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
This is really only an ask. I dont need to do it, but I would like to know how "just in case"

I did do one of my endless silly posts of about 3 pages, so I will try to cut it down.

I have 2 drives

an SSD for / and 8GB Swap, and a HD for /home

Can I add a third HD to /home to expand the storage space, withotu having to reinstall?

The /home drive was NEVER setup as any form of RAID




I have done a small temp get around in simply mounting another drive and in my case, I set it to /home/music, and sure, I suppose I could keep things as they are, but create a whole new Raid array and mount it perhaps as /mnt/RAID ( purely an example although it seems to be an idea I like ) and then perhaps set up those drives in a JBOD fashion perhaps? Is that what I would need to do??

I could simply then share /mnt/RAID in the network and this will be that machines junkyyard?

Toughts / opinions / abuse / whatever all appreciated. Thank you.
3 Oct 2013
You don't actually need swap for ssd's , though some apps can complain if there isn't any, I have assigned 2 gig . I've yet to see it used tbh

Like Buffalo stated regards /home.
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
You don't need RAID. This is what LVM is for.

Ah ok, I honestly thought that was only another way to install? I know, or rather I assumed that it did a kinf of JBOD thingy during the install, but I have not actually given it any thought other than I have just avoided it.

Thanks for the link, I will have a peek in a bit.

You don't actually need swap for ssd's

Whether I use SSD or HD, it makes no difference as to the usage of the swap. The only thing it does change is the speed that the swap will be accessed, nothing else.

That said, I still use a swap as this is how I have done it with Linux since day 1 and so its habit maybe? This is also the same with Windows... I still setup my pagefile/s and windows runs to use it, and if I dont have one, then even with tons of RAM, it will create one if I dont have one, so I set one up anyway.

And yes, I have rarely seen it being used, but even with 32GB RAM, it does get used occasionally.
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