India plans to force NASA into accepting the Extraterrestrial presence in moon

If NASA are willing to hide simple things like water on the moon, for selfish reasons makes you wonder what other info they are hideing, and wont reveal till others find it out.

if they where hiding it why did they give the instrument that detected the water to the Indians?

pretty poor way to hide something.
LOL, India.

Yeah, "force" NASA to accepting an extraterrestrial presence on the moon. I can't wait to see how that's going to be achieved. :D :rolleyes:

The presence of water is a major resource that they would not want another nation taking advantage of at a time in which they were not able or unwilling to take advantage of themselfs.

Except that it's not a major resource. The only water on the moon exists in the form of microscopic molecules within the moon's surface dust. There are no lakes, rivers, seas, or even puddles. Just a handful of molecules. Wow, great resource! Let's feed the world with moon water! :rolleyes:
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The Toast King delivers, obviously ;)

What you on about? The Nazi scientists that set up NASA are obviously using it as a front to supply the moon base, that's why all their missions go over budget!

And those missions that "fail" are in fact just coverups for massive supply dumps. All under the US governments nose!
Except that it's not a major resource. The only water on the moon exists in the form of microscopic molecules within the moon's surface dust. There are no lakes, rivers, seas, or even puddles. Just a handful of molecules. Wow, great resource! Let's feed the world with moon water! :rolleyes:

Just a hand full of molecules, on the whole moon and only in the surface dust? With the right technolgy even trace amounts could be extracted and stored for future use. Send a few machines up to collect and store it could save having to ship 10,000 tons in the weight of water for future projects on the moon. Without a doubt a great resource.
Just a hand full of molecules, on the whole moon and only in the surface dust? With the right technolgy even trace amounts could be extracted and stored for future use. Send a few machines up to collect and store it could save having to ship 10,000 tons in the weight of water for future projects on the moon. Without a doubt a great resource.

Would take a few thousand tonnes to set up the extraction, mining and purifications process.

you'd have to have machines and plants capable of sifting through and more importantly moving thousands of tonnes of dust to get any useful amount of water.
Would take a few thousand tonnes to set up the extraction, mining and purifications process.

you'd have to have machines and plants capable of sifting through and more importantly moving thousands of tonnes of dust to get any useful amount of water.

Maybe not depending on how they did it and more importantly the time frame they would be working to, how knows what the future will hold.
Maybe not depending on how they did it and more importantly the time frame they would be working to, how knows what the future will hold.

1 liter per meter cubed.

So for your 10,000 tonnes of water weight saved that's roughly 10,000,000 cubic meters of earth (moon?) to move and process and that's at the "richest" spot

that's going to requires some pretty big machinery even if done on a small scale over a long time you're going to either have to move the dirt a long distance, dig a very deep hole, or move your processing plant and then ship it back to storage facility.
Well, if you dig the first hole twice the size of the first and place it in there, then theres no more waste to worry about!


Not sure why but I pictures a load of American hicks with dungerees over their space suits panning for water molecules.

1 liter per meter cubed.

So for your 10,000 tonnes of water weight saved that's roughly 10,000,000 cubic meters of earth (moon?) to move and process and that's at the "richest" spot

that's going to requires some pretty big machinery even if done on a small scale over a long time you're going to either have to move the dirt a long distance, dig a very deep hole, or move your processing plant and then ship it back to storage facility.

Like I said it would depend on how it was done and why would you need to move it to process it? It could be processed where it is.
Well, if you dig the first hole twice the size of the first and place it in there, then theres no more waste to worry about!

They could recycle the holes, send them back to earth and fill them with the water melting from the ice caps so the oceans dont rise and flood low lying lands. :p
I remember watching a documentary on discovery channel once.... it was abit tin-foil hat time but interesting none the less, they showed a photo of one of the astronaughts moon walking and in the foreground brought your attention to what appeared to be a robotic head in which one bloke declared they had brough back...

Now im as open minded as they come but it did seem a tad far fetched, what I will say though is it would be fascinating if it was true
Like I said it would depend on how it was done and why would you need to move it to process it? It could be processed where it is.

presumably you'd actually have to dig it up and then place it into your processor, you couldn't just suck it out of the ground.

so either you have to dig it from somewhere and bring it to your processor or you have to move the processor and storage.
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