Thanks for the thread - looking forward to this race
TV and radio commentators are furious because, as rumoured, they are in rooms with no view of the track! Total disaster for them
The theory is that the area in the stands TV would have used has become hospitality boxes for the promoters. Well it is their track...
Power has gone off in the media centre, might not be the last time it happens this weekend
The now infamous stairway to heaven. "Um... chaps. I think we may have got the dimensions a bit wrong."
Power cut in the Indian GP media centre. I have half an hour of battery life left, so need to type very fast...
Bats in the medie centre and rats in the commentary boxes. Sounds like a fun weekend ahead
The bat in the media centre is no surprise. What surprises me more is that there are not cows in here...yet
All are mostly from the likes of various F1 Journalists, Jon Noble, Adam Cooper, Ed Straw and David Croft.
I only recently joined twitter (To keep an eye on the London Riots ) but I've found loads of great feeds/people to follow.
Alan Baldwin
The doors have been opened to let the bat out. But it doesn't want to leave. And a spider has just dropped from ceiling onto desk behind me.
Some mini disasters occurring by whats being said on twitter.
jakehumphreyf1 Jake Humphrey
Do we need to start panicking that we've already had 2 power cuts in the TV compound here in India?? Live TV and no power is a bad mix..!