Indie's Training Log - Wannabe NFL Superstar?

11 Jul 2006
Cradley, West Midlands
Hi All,


I've been putting off making a training log for a long time, but having read Steedie's "ultimate beginners guide of awesomeness" I thought I'd better start getting everything on track and focus on having an actual routine and controlling my diet.

1 and a half years of going to the gym with no real idea of what I'm doing... its time for a change!

About me

Name: Sam
Age: 25
Weight: 82kg
Height: 6ft 2"
Job: Sys Admin, office based so its not very taxing at all in terms of physical exertion.

Body type I'd say is probably athletic. I will post some pictures when I get round to taking some tonight. Also, relatively hairy, so be prepared for fur!

I play American Football, which is the main reason why I'm trying to put weight on and build some muscle. I play a "skill" position (Defensive back [Cornerback, Safety] for those of you that are interested), so whilst building the muscle I'll also need to keep myself quite flexible and on top of my cardio to an extent!


My current routine (if you can call it that) is as follows:
Monday: Gym
Tuesday: Gym
Wednesday: Training
Thursday: Gym/Rest
Friday: Gym/Rest
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Training

Thursday/Friday I tend to have as flexible days, I'll either go gym, or rest up.


- Much more upper body strength is possibly the main one
- keep working on leg strength, probably just as important for my position

Bonus objectives: Get bigger, Look pretty n stuff.


My intention is to follow the basic routine that Steedie posted in his starter thread. Whilst I Don't know what they all are that's something I can research this weekend, or if anybody has any alterations they'd like to suggest I'm'm open! I'll incorporate some warm ups and cool downs of my own into the workouts.

Monday (Chest/Shoulder/Triceps)

Flat Bench Press – 3x8
Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x8
Skull Crushers – 3x8 (similar to lying tricep extensions)
Close Grip Bench Press – 3x8
Seated Dumbbell Military Press -3x8
Lateral Dumbbell Raises – 3x8

Tuesday (Back/Biceps)

Dead lifts – 3x8
Bent over one arm Dumbbell rows – 3x8
Chin Ups 3x8 (Or Lat pull downs if you can’t do chins yet)
Barbell Bicep Curl -3x8
One arm Dumbbell hammer Curls – 3x8

Thursday/Friday (Legs/Abs)

Barbell Squats – 3x8
Dumbbell Lunges – 3x8
Calf Raises-4x10
Abdominal workout


Now, this is where I'm really stumped, I have no real idea on what I'm doing, even after reading numerous articles on the subject I'm still a bit bemuse by the whole thing.

This is how a general day goes at the moment (yes I'm aware its very terrible!):
Breakfast: Skipped, or a bog standard breakfast bar, todays was a Kellogs chocolate flaked thing.
Lunch: Sandwiches (Tuna or cheese), Pasta/Pesto, occasional subway :(
Dinner: Chicken, Beef, Sausages, Rice, Pasta, Cous Cous, sweet Potato are normally top of the list.

weekends I normally have breakfast as I have time! normally consists of pancakes/bacon, full cooked, or as many eggs as I can eat.


- Patella Tendinitis - Both knees
- When I was younger, I had Intussusception, which ended up with having a majority of my bowl being removed. Thus food (some more than others) goes through me like lightning (naaaise!) - I'm just going to assume that this will effect my diet in some way or another.


These were taken last July/August. I know I'd not get round to taking any new ones, but I'm pretty much of this build now, maybe a tiny tiny bit bigger... and a lot more hairy! (forced to shave for holiday, boo!)


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I must confess to being something of a leg day junkie (I.e. I like one day for beach weights and then legs/back everywhere else), so I would encourage you to do more legs (I.e. Two days of legs, one day of upper body). :D

However, I am not a 'ball' player. We do have a couple on here, mind, and one of them happens to be a UK powerlifting finalist (icecold).

Diet-wise, just eat everything. When you're full, keep eating. My personal preference here is for higher protein and fat bias, with carbs generally at one point during the day.

You are 6'2' and weigh 82kg: getting to 90kg depending on your training history shouldn't be too hard. :)
Oh really? Would be interesting to hear from him if he plays too!

Will consider doing another leg day too :)

Is it really wise just to eat everything? Should I aim for any specific foods or just carry on as I am... Just... More! :p

90kg would be a nice weight to be fair!
Hehe... When it comes to eating everything, there can be as much theory or strategy as you want. :)

My personal preference (fits in with my work) is protein and fat (like nuts, beef jerky) until the gym - after that (if working out in the late afternoon/evening) I eat what I want (carbs, protein, fat)... If I go in the morning, I have a big carb thing (normally a post-workout drink) and then protein/fat until the evening when everything is game.

The general idea for bulking is to get into a calorie excess - muscle building requires a given protein volume (between 1.2-1.8g per kgbw depending on how you feel) but that is pretty much it.

So just eat. :)

My preference is for legs because it fits my sport... But most sports that involve legs - unsurprisingly - require lots of legs.

Also, think about your mobility and core strength. Hit the mobility thread for this stuff! :)
Awesome, I do tend to work out in the evenings more than anything as my gym isnt open before work starts.

Excellent, so eat eat eat! :)

Whats your sport? (without me stalking) - Yeah I've been told to check the mobility thread before so deffo gonna get on that.

Thanks for the advice so far, have training tomorrow so will make sure I eat lots :p
Well, went to the gym last night, and wasn't there for long.. maybe 15 minutes or so. Had just done all my warm ups and stretching and some bloke in the weights room collapsed :/

wasn't breathing much, if at all. Ambulance was called etc... so didn't end up actually following my plan above.

On the other hand, myself and a few of my team mates ended up moving the the majority of the weights/equipment out of the weights room so they had more space, which proved quite the workout.

I'm a bit emotional at the best of times and stuff like this really sort of freaks me out a bit!... either way lets hope he got on okay at the hospital and all is well!

I've also updated my log with Injuries. Pics still need to be done, not got round to it yet!

Also, might as well mention.. my girlfriends mum works for Sci-MX. So I can get pretty much anything I want for free/discounted price. I currently have the following: ...

Useful to take? or should I change it up? anything I should add, supplement wise?
Regarding your 'injuries' as in the Mobility thread, the thread itself contains a lot of awesome regarding flat feet and atrociously tight quads, iliotibial band, poor glute med control, etc., so look at the OP and check it out. :)

Secondly the Sci-MX stuff is fine, assuming it costs you nothing. Most of the supplements out there are massively overpriced for what they are, but that sort of thing will help you bulk nicely. :)

Regarding your lack of bowels, it might be an idea to have a look at what is kindest and easiest for your gut to absorb: whey concentrate is fine, but whey isolate is also helpful for those with a degree of lactose intolerance. Depending on your income level and flame-resistance, vegan proteins (!) are notionally more palatable to the gut, but they absorb less readily.
Have had a look at the mobility thread OP at least, quite like the look of the rumble rollers etc, but price is Woah!.. though it is my birthday early feb. so its on the list. I can get hold of the bands/balls etc though.

Will have a read through to see what I can find! I did pop a post in there but I've been reading more of it since, so should come across some useful stuff!

Lack oof bowels! haha :D - Vegan you say.... this makes me sad :P - I'll have a look to see what my 'supplier' can get :)

I think ideally, I need to get myself tested! I've recently found I'm allergic to apples, (never have been before?) which makes me wonder if anything else has similar effects.

Thanks again for your help, still looking forward to getting a full session in!
As Djdom has just suggested, your issue with flat feet is you probably don't actually have the classic "flat foot" but - as he points out - you just have forgotten how to use your feet.

I also think you've actually forgotten how to use your legs (based on your description of your 'knee locking' issue), meaning your quads, ITB, etc. are all ridiculously tight, and your hamstrings/glutes are non-existent.

Regarding vegan proteins, I only suggest these because - if you DO have an issue with milk/whey/whatever - they are notionally kinder to the digestive tract, even if they are harder for the body to work with. For practical purposes in this first instance, try to get hold of some whey isolate (less lactose)...

And yes, vegan protein tastes a bit (exactly) like cardboard. With bits in. Think of it as either:

a) A last resort;
b) Cheaper than regular whey brotein (because it is naaaaaaaaaaaasty). Which is pointless for you given that you get whey broteinz for nearly free.
Yeah some good suggestions there. Its so strange that I've forget how to use them though, same with my legs... as technically I use them all the time. I've always been quite athletic and always active doing something or other. *shrugs*

I'll see how I go on what I've got and if it causes 'internal' problems then I can always look into it! .. now you have mentioned theres bits in it, I could be strongly against it. Bits freak me out. In juices etc.. but mostly in yoghurts... Bleeh!!
Hehehehe... sorry - by 'bits' I mean the brotein doesn't seem to dissolve like whey: the pea protein I have tried forms a suspension, but the resulting 'shake' has texture to it which is unusual. :D
I see I see! sorry I should probably have guessed considering the context!... either way, I still hate bits in things!

Get what you mean though now :)
updated with pics, albeit from our holiday in the summer! but the lighting is so crap everywhere at the moment I'm never going to get any opportunities to take them.

Also pardon my boyish smoothness, I lost a bet and ended up having to shave my chest/stomach :(
pics of girlfriend in bikini.... on here.... are you mad?! Don't let Benny see! :D:eek:

Its fine, he can have her. less stress for me... he wouldn't last more than a few minutes. ^^

E: I suppose I could cut her out... See what I mean, always creating more work!
Didn't get round to doing much in the gym yesterday as had to cut my session short. went to the Villa v Arsenal match, for my sins.. It made me remember why I don't follow that dreadful game anymore!

I'm not sure how much the bar weighed so i'll just put down what I lifted.

Flat Bench Press – 3x8 @ 40KG + bar
Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x8 @ 15KG
Seated Dumbbell Military Press - 3x8 @ 20KG
Lateral Dumbbell Raises – 3x8 @ 15KG

Warm up/cool down of 10 minutes on the bike at lvl 13 (whatever the hell that is!)

I think I could probs lift a bit heavier but my wrists feel quite weak and shakey when I do.

Be back again tonight with no time constraints which will be nice. fingers crossed nobody has a heart attack this week. The guy I mentioned last week survived, but still in critical :(

Any tips/pointers welcome! :)
You went to football instead of spending time in the gym?


Short of leaving your workout because you have house cleaning to do, that's pretty lame! :D
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