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23 Aug 2005
Just wondering really what people have inherited! Be it money, cars, smaller items etc!

That is all! :)
My family is for the most part, poor and as such has nothing of any real value to pass down.
My old man is the first one to go on and accumilate some material wealth, but I'd rather he lived a fair old while yet than think about what he is likely to leave me in his will.

On the wifes side we have been left a house by her mother (who is still alive and lives there), but we now own the house outright.
nothing yet, and hopefully not for a very long time. When I do me and my brother would get about 250k before the tax man rapes us.
Nothing though I am fortunate that only one member of my immediate family (mothers dad) has died in my 26 years. When the day comes that my fathers parents go I know I am down for about £20k from the sale of their house and my brother the same.

My grandparents are 85 this winter so they are doing really well. Despite my nan being the one with two titanium knees, a pee bag and really bad arthritis its my grandad who is starting to look weak :( He has told he multiple times she ain't dying before him as he doesn't want to be alone, and that if he gets to 100 he'll kill himself a he'll be bored by that point lol.

My mum if of the opinion that my dad should give me and my brother the majority of the proceeds from the house since they at 55 have no real need for it while me and my brother are 26 and 23 and it would make a significant difference to us with me having bought a house 2 years ago and my brother to buy one in the next 6 months. Their house is 12 months from being paid off, dads pension is going to be more than enough blaa blaa.
I know ive got a grandfather clock and some coins coming to me, I expect a fair bit from house sales aswell once parents have got their bits and bobs.

My granddad has a folder on his computer called "DEATH" Im rather impressed with him for that lol
Perfect Hair that grows straight and full and stays coloured at 55+

How do you know your hair will be like that when you're 55 though! Genetics can change over generations!

Baldy grey hairs :p
My grandmothers wedding ring, I'm giving it to my girlfriend next week.

I've got a collection of frogs (statues & ornaments) coming my way when my parents go

Best way to inherite money is through assests like buildings, then you don't pay inheritance tax!
A lot of Bolton Wanderers memorabilia my Grandfather had, being a forest fan it is not of much use but some of it I had bought him.
My brother and I inherited my father's estate when he passed away earlier this year.

Sold the car and the premium bonds to pay for the funeral and other expenses (he died in sri lanka and we had to have him cremated out there before being brought back to blighty). The rest went on the mortgage of the house and solicitor fees.

Net result is we have an unencumbered house overlooking Weymouth bay between us.
I know half the house is coming my way (other half to my brother). Not sure how inheritance tax will effect us because of that, will they only demand the money if we sell or is it automatic 40% bill? Inheritance tax is government theft in my opinion, such a nasty tax, the worse there is
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