input delay, stutter, weird internet, usb error

21 Mar 2016
Hello, firstly I would like to apologize. I have a lot to type out.

I've had my PC rig for over 3-4 years now. I've been experiencing multiple problems and now I'm starting to think possibly all the issues I'm facing are all related. I kind of panic put together this thread, stuff is not in order in regards of problems so I will list them here at the top to make it easier perhaps.

When I first built my PC I always remember when I close my side panel door closed gently it would freeze my entire computer. I don't remember why I had the side panel open to begin with but this problem kept happening, I never did it since and just forgot about it. I thought I should post it here incase. (3-4 years ago I discovered this problem)

Also my internet. When I do speedtest sometimes my internet is completely fine and sometimes my internet would feel bad, I do a speedtest and it seems to cap me at a very low download speed. The fix is usally to take out the ethernet and put it back in, sometimes it would work first time other times I need to move the cable more until I get the internet speed I pay for.

The main problem started with gaming. I would play games and out of nowhere for no reason the game would start to feel sluggish and laggy. For example movement and pressing down abilities it would feel like some type of delay. Then it would randomly go back to normal and the game feels flawless. When this problem happened I thought it was my internet, but after multiple checks and constant monitoring it is not the internet or packet loss. During games such as World of Warcraft I would have good fps then it would randomly drop and I would feel some type of stutter, it's brief but botheresome.

Secondly I checked my monitor and GPU settings to ensure everything is correct because after my own research I heard it could cause something like input lag. I'm removed the GPU driver multiple times in safemode with DDU uninstaller. The problem still persists with gsync + vsync on and with them both off.

Thirdly I check my temps and monitor gpu and cpu usage in games and I do notice that when I have a browser and a stream playing whilst gaming my cpu would reach around 70-90% usage via task manager. I tried on both chrome and firefox and this seems to still be an issue. The temps are completely normal aswell, nothing which had me worried.

Recently I cleaned my PC by unplugging all the cables at the back of the tower and when I turned everything on the next day I randomly got an error saying "usb controller resources exceeded" which made me think it's a possible issue with the motherboard.

- games feel laggy/sluggish but randomly fix itself
- internet randomly goes bad but removing the ethernet cable and putting it back in the PC sometimes fixes it
- closing side panel on PC whilst it's running froze my PC (I don't know why I did this but it was 3-4 years ago) never did it since, but it happened multiple times.
- cleaned my pc and next day I get error (USB Controller resources exceeded

Ryzen 5800x
MSI Tomahawk x570
3070 FE
Gsync 165hz monitor

I'm very sorry for the wall of text I'm just so sad and I'm starting to panic because I've been years with this in-game lag of some kind and I can't find a fix.
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Did you plug your USB devices into different ports? Are they high draw?

fTPM issue?

Have you checked your SSD's health? What model is it?

It is important to distinguish between FPS loss and slow response to commands, because with movement and pressing abilities that can easily be your Internet causing the problem, whereas low FPS should have nothing to do with their servers and only be related to your PC.

Thanks for your reply.

To be honest I'm unsure if I put everything back into the same USB ports I was using. I see a port I just plug it. I was using Google earlier to actually determine which slots I should be using etc and I searched the error I got, it was saying stuff about motherboard bandwidth problem. Could this be solution to which is causing all the problems I listed? It's weird because I notice this problem in two of the games I play. Specifically Word Of Warcraft. During raids I would randomly get FPS drop by like 20-40 and thats when the sttuter occurs but during this drop I'm still over 100 FPS which doesn't make much sense.
As for my SSD health. How do I check this exactly? This is how much space I've used. I should also state it's one of those flat SSDs (sorry i'm a noob) the nvme drive - storage
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Something like CrystalDiskInfo can show everything in detail, most monitoring tools can tell you the SMART status though. What model is it? Just want to check it isn't one with known issues.

The event viewer would be likely to show you if there are consistent errors (like bad blocks) popping up.

WDS100T3X0C-00SJG0 which I believe is Western Digital Black SN750 Solid State Drive WDS. I will double check this shortly. For some reason it doesn't show the name of my SSD I found it in device manager.

Hmm, in raids in MMOs (I don't play WoW) these can be engine/world issues rather than PC issues, but I'm not experienced enough with WoW to say when/if that is likely to occur.

To be clear, you're saying it feels like 20-40 FPS, even if the counter says 100? That does seem like an engine issue, unless you're overwhelming your PC somehow with other tasks. Do you have a lot more browser windows open when you raid and might be pushing your RAM into the pagefile?

Not exactly I think perhaps I worded it incorrectly. For example when I'm in a raid (world of warcraft encounter) my fps would drop from 157 all the way to as low as 112 (i have gsync and vsync ON in nvcp). During this FPS drop is when I think my PC briefly stutters and I think it also produces input lag of some sort. It's hard to test this efficiently because a raid in the game is once a week. Even when I do PvP within the game thats when I noticed the lag more. I can't press anything because it feels delayed and sluggish then it would randomly fix itself the following day and then it repeats to going bad again randomly.

With the fps drops I tried the game with and without gsync and vsync on it still occurs I believe. I should also add a few days ago I was messing with NVCP settings such as turning gsync and vsync OFF whilst a game was running. It caused some type of artifacts to appear in the game, it made me panic so I closed the game and it was fine. I then briefly saw it happen on the windows desktop but I restarted the PC and it went away and didn't happen since. This could be caused by messing with settings with the game open right rather than my GPU dying? I hope not.

However even in another game such as league of legends I would feel like the game is very laggy despite my internet test showing correctly. By lag I mean just sluggish, movement feels delayed and buttons don't feel efficient.

Probably not, no. I think it would only be the USB message.

I would keep in mind that each USB hub (pair of ports) may share resources, so ideally you don't want demanding devices to share a hub. I'd also keep in mind that USB 2 can offer less power than USB 3+, so the same thoughts apply there, try to avoid high draw devices sharing a hub and if available use USB 3+ ports instead of 2.

This is what I believe is on my mobo -
Not sure whats plugged in where currently but from this picture where should I be plugging my mouse, keyboard, headphone amp and microphone to?
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This is with nothing happening on the screen that explains the FPS drop? From my knowledge of MMOs, stuff like particle effects can cause drops when there are lots of players or NPCs on screen.

The stutter, I would check Windows event viewer and see if there's anything there around that timestamp, like programs checking for updates, fTPM errors, SSD issues.
Unfortunately for the raid where the sttuters occur I can't check until this Thursday. It's a once a thing week atm. But for the lag, what should I do if I feel the input delay again? I usually check my speeds but it seems fine.

Are you using a wireless connection and/or wireless mouse? Is it not possible the lag is actually server side? I don't play this game either, but I wonder if you're connecting to a bad server with a poor ping.

Wired. Is it not weird that sometimes I do a speedtest when I notice my browser is slow and it seems to cap me at 80 download. The fix usually is unplugging the cable and putting it back in, sometimes it doesn't work so I have to fiddle with the cable again.
I don't know which of those devices is likely to draw more power, e.g. is your keyboard and mouse simple, or do they have RGB 'n such?

I'm using some logitech mouse, it's wireless but I use it with the cable. As for keyboard it's a ducky shine one i believe. both keyboard and mouse has rgb yes, but i used a fix colour for both.
If you have a simple keyboard and mouse, use the USB2 ports (black) at the top. I'd connect the amp and the microphone to USB3 ports (blue or red), preferably one in each hub unless you have a reason to reserve them for something else.

Not aware of any issues with this model.

I only had the usb error show today. But it's just funny when I google the error it shows stuff about all the symptoms i've been facing.

" Yes, a motherboard with insufficient bandwidth can potentially cause input delay, as it may not be able to process data quickly enough from your input devices like keyboard and mouse, leading to a noticeable lag between when you press a key and when the action appears on screen; this is particularly relevant when the data transfer needs to be fast, like in competitive gaming.

I feel laggy and the internet cable is dodgy also. But I guess if it was broken I would have the problem all the time right? because right now my game feels fine, kind of, compared to earlier where it felt horrible.
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When was the last time you did a fresh install of windows?

Sometimes a fresh install works wonders.

Honeslty I've considered it. I've done a system restore in the past and I should have done it then. I'm just scared to do it. I have to use some type of flash drive and I completely forgot how I did it when I first built the pc. I'm just scared I'll attempt it and everything breaks, yes i have anxiety.
In that case, I'd suggest you use a USB 3 port for these devices rather than the black USB 2 ports.

What fixes do they suggest?

that's the problem right. how do you fix that. is there any type of tests to actually use to see if my motherboard is the problem which is causing my internet cable to fail and the possible input delay? i don't know what software exists to even rule out my motherboard being the problem. i've used tests for every other component. i check my temps etc and monitor my gpu and cpu usage and it's fine, just with firefox open it seems to be high cpu usage but everything is normal.

Hmm, it seems like it would be prudent to replace the cable?

I will buy a new cable this week i guess. can you recommend me a cable i should buy? i don't remember the cable i bought last.

You could even try buying an ethernet card, but I'd try the free options first.

i thought about this too. also there is adapters to plug my usb stuff into aswell right? are they good, like putting my mouse, keyboard etc into it. but if my motherboard is the problem the problem would still be there right?

It was a long time ago I played, but I think WoW has a ping counter you can display on screen?

Yes. It shows my fps and ms.
the game is old so fps drops in big cities is normal but for raiding nobody else is getting the sttuters even when their fps is dropping.

also the sluggish/laggy problem is for multiple games i play. it happens randomly.
I have a question though. lets say my configuration settings from nvcp and my monitor was wrongly setup the problem would always be there and the laggy/input delay wouldn't come randomly right?
Understandable but you could be chasing ghosts trying to fix it.

But a cheap PS/2 keyboard and use that to see if you get input lag.

I've been trying to fix this for years. Just now that more problems are appearing occasionally and I ended up making a big thread about it, but i think it's a bad idea was a lot of information. it's just the lag and stutter i was resolved.
I have a question though. lets say my configuration settings from nvcp and my monitor was wrongly setup the problem would always be there and the laggy/input delay wouldn't come randomly right? i feel like i've fiddled about with so many settings now i don't even know which is the correct to use.

i followed blurbuster and put gsync on and vsync on and turn vsync off ingame. just caps my fps. this is correct right? which means i should not get input delay.

how can i test for packet loss if it was my internet? also how do i test if its not my motherboard is the problem? i just cant get any answers it sucks, i hate it
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If you have a bad ethernet chip it could fix the problem with a laggy Internet, but if your motherboard is running out of USB resources then I don't think it would be wise to use a USB ethernet adapter, because you'd just be adding even more load.

Do you have any old router boxes, like a BT hub box? If you do, you might be able to grab a cable from there for testing.

Most of my cables are Belkin, but they're years old, so I don't know what it is a good brand anymore.

I think you have to look at one specific problem at a time, we can't really blame the motherboard otherwise.

From a google they mainly seem to suggest if you're getting that USB resources problem that you change the ports they're connected to. You could try putting the microphone in a USB 2 (black) port and the other devices in the USB 3 ones.

Hmm, all I can suggest is checking out the event viewer for those moments, it might give you a helpful clue.

thanks. i don't have any old cables unfortunately, i'm from the uk i use virgin media. i will try order a new cable, any suggestions which ones are solid?
i want to fix the laggy/sluggishness. but it appears randomly it's almost impossible to figure out what it is. right now everything seems normal. if i my settings from nvcpp and monitor was incorrect the problem would ALWAYs be there right?

as for event viewer. lets say the lag comes back where exactly in event viewer should i be checking?

i see errors actually -

also, my browser. when i scroll up and down i see some type of screen tear. but when i google that it says hardware acceleration. with it off it's better but it's still there. is that something serious too?
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Vsync can cause a kind of input delay, because higher FPS gives you faster response, but gsync shouldn't. Frame generation does cause input delay, but probably not of the nature that you're describing. To be clear, does this happen ONLY in Internet connected games, or does it occur in single player games? If it happens in single player games, then the Internet is not the problem unless you have some kind of auto update in the background.

I only playe multiplayer games to be honesy with you. which settings ideally would cause no lag, if anything exists. gsync and vsync in nvcp is the correct way to do it right? before i was playing gsync and vsync off in nvcp and just capped ingame to my monitor refresh rate. is there any real difference between the two?

this just states all the problems i listed, am i just being stupid to rush ahead and say its a motherboard problem? is there any tests i can do to rule out the motherboard before I start buying random stuff for no reason.
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Is that generated by AI? It is too vague and I don't find it helpful.

I'm getting lost in this thread for what we have already suggested, but I would prioritise the following:
- Install and run CrystalDiskInfo so that we can check the SSD is in good health.
- Check for symptoms of the fTPM issue (very well known with AM4 systems like yours).
- Check the event viewer for events with a timestamp that is close to your experience of significant lag/stutter. This could give helpful clues of issues we have not considered yet.
- Change the ports your devices are connected to (USB 2 / USB 3), to try and include the advice about resource sharing that relates to the error.
- I would personally also disable and/or uninstall RGB and motherboard software, since it is known to cause hiccups with the CPU.

Suggestions that cost money:
- A replacement ethernet cable, especially since yours doesn't seem to be in good condition.
- Alternative ethernet chip, preferably a PCI-E card rather than USB.
- A basic wired keyboard and mouse.

Replace the motherboard is VERY far down my list of potential solutions and would be expensive and challenging for a novice.

this is crystaldisk info (not sure is serial number is important blanked it out)
do i need to do anything specific or just the picture is good?

I have no idea what fTPM is I will take a look at this tomorrow.

Unfortunately to check for the stutter during my game it will have to be thursday. thats when it happens most during the raid in my game. i will post back again with even viewer results and timestamps.

I will also change the ports tomorrow of what I have plugged in.

Only software I have is logitech hub for my mouse. I used macro's and stuff for specific game, along with dpi setting.

I want to thank you for your time. I will post again tomorrow or perhaps thursday with updates. Appreciate the help!
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Yes .

Play the game offline no stutters probably network lag .

Reinstall windows and update drivers many times I've done this and it's fixed problems, could be corrupted file but which one or a plethera of other things but don't start replacing hardware beforehand, at least a fresh install will give you a clean starting point

You've been chasing this for years by you own admission

This specific game is online only. I don't really play offline games unfortunately. I will wait until thursday and see if the game stutters again and I will consider the option of a fresh install. Thank you.
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From what I can see, it is fine. There are zero errors being reported, which there would not be if the flash was going bad.

If you have AMD's integrated TPM enabled (required to install Windows 11, unless you have a hardware TPM) it can cause stuttering (not just in games either). I believe AMD have said that they have addressed the issue, but opinions vary.

I tried to search this up. my system doesn't have it enabled.

I do agree though, that a reinstall of Windows, with new drivers (especially chipset) and other software is a good idea.

USB issues were also common on some AM4 boards with an early BIOS, if you have never updated it.

Is there no single player game you could just use for testing? What about a multiplayer game where you play with bots?

We could really benefit from trying to remove the Internet from this issue, because otherwise it makes it way more complicated to diagnose.

Sounds fine, in theory.

As of now it's just one game that stutters. The game is very old and not optimized very well so I'm going to go ahead and say it's just that game that stutters. All the other games I play have the lag/delay, when it happens next I will report back. Just difficult to run tests offline etc when the problem isn't currently happening.

I have never updated my bios afaik. I remember building the pc and just installing windows. I'm always afraid I'll mess something up when I change bios stuff etc. I'm hoping it is the internet because a motherboard problem is just a pain i hate it.
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