Insomnia Sufferers in here!

System Admin
9 Aug 2013
After a couple of years with no issues, in the last few weeks my Insomnia has made a lovely return.

Initially thought it was due to the amount of tea/coffee that I've been drinking, but the last few days despite having nothing, last nights "sleep" was the worst yet.

Fortunately got in to the docs and after being given a surprise blood test, managed to get the usual bucket of options to see what works as know from previous rounds that some medications work and others dont, so a few nights of trial and error to see what ticks the right boxes.

Am also monitoring my circadian cycle which suggests it could be shifting again.

Anyone else suffer from insomnia and do you have any tips or tricks that help you?
After a couple of years with no issues, in the last few weeks my Insomnia has made a lovely return.

Initially thought it was due to the amount of tea/coffee that I've been drinking, but the last few days despite having nothing, last nights "sleep" was the worst yet.

Fortunately got in to the docs and after being given a surprise blood test, managed to get the usual bucket of options to see what works as know from previous rounds that some medications work and others dont, so a few nights of trial and error to see what ticks the right boxes.

Am also monitoring my circadian cycle which suggests it could be shifting again.

Anyone else suffer from insomnia and do you have any tips or tricks that help you?
I take Lorazepam for it, but to get me off quicker, I have a nice flame effect LED fire and I always put some soothing sounds on like gentle rain
I get it when stressed, if I'm working on something complicated, brain won't turn off.

Also if I eat after about 5pm I end up with too much energy to sleep. Going to bed hungry seems like a pro tip to me.
Not any more I had a couple of hours last night.

I just live with it now - Had it for 50 yrs about same time as I have been married. No it isn't that either - I would be smiling not growling.

I have 4 sleeping pills a month plus some relaxers which are really useless. - So have one pill a week and 4 of the others and have a good night sleep - Then spend 4 days trying to crap.

I just take it in my stride. I have to say though it's no joke.

PS My pill is Lorazepam 1mg.
I take Lorazepam for it, but to get me off quicker, I have a nice flame effect LED fire and I always put some soothing sounds on like gentle rain

I have zopiclone, lorazepam, melatonin, diazepam, proprananol and diphendyramine at my disposal.

Have tried rain sounds previously but never found a recording that worked, natural rainfall with the window open however sends me off extremely quickly.
Honestly, I think this is an occasion where smoking the old, you know, would really help you.

I don't and haven't done for 20 years, but I remember always getting really good night sleeps.

Alcohol doesn't work, it'll get you to sleep faster, but you wake up in the middle of the night alert again, often you'll be up for hours.

The next day your soo tired and miserable so you drink to feel better, cycle repeats.
I have zopiclone, lorazepam, melatonin, diazepam, proprananol and diphendyramine at my disposal.

Have tried rain sounds previously but never found a recording that worked, natural rainfall with the window open however sends me off extremely quickly.

Have you tried L-Tryptophan powder? A teaspoon with plenty of water about 90 minutes prior to bedtime sees me get a really good nights sleep. It's a Melatonin precursor. I think it may potentially work better because the conversion to Melatonin is gradual. It also may work better because that is a pretty big dose of Tryptophan (I reckon that's about 1500-2000mg). But it's cheap and cheerful in powder form.

Also if you can, do more long distance cardio - 60 minutes plus if you can do
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I have it regularly and have pretty much since puberty. I find it very difficult to get to sleep, then wake after a couple of hours, struggle to get back to sleep, sleep a couple more hours then alarm clock. I just try to accept it really (easier said than done).
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i find it harder to sleep if i drink less during the day, if i drink < 1200ml i dont sleep but get to around 1800 i drop of like a light
I have zopiclone, lorazepam, melatonin, diazepam, proprananol and diphendyramine at my disposal.

Have tried rain sounds previously but never found a recording that worked, natural rainfall with the window open however sends me off extremely quickly.
I never found melatonin did any good at all.
I don't get it if I can sleep hours which work for me, but if I'm forced to do like "normal" 9-5 days it gets me bad, fortunately I can mostly avoid that.

However ever since COVID I've been having bouts of it, not sure if COVID related, I'll have a week or 10 days where I just lie there can't drop off and/or come home from work and crash for 1-2 hours but then that ruins my sleep for later and with it my health doesn't feel like it is in a good place, followed by a week or so where I sleep like a baby and feel great.
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