For me, my career choices have wrecked my sleep pattern. I was a watch keeping engineer on tankers and LNG carriers for 10 years, which involved irregular hours, and call-outs in the dead of night. Literally as the duty engineer, which I was every 3rd day at sea, I’d have an alarm panel in my cabin connected to the control and instrumentation system for the engine room, so I’d be abruptly woken by that going off, which could be at any moment, which naturally made it hard to fall asleep.
These days I’m working in offshore oil and gas, doing 2 weeks on 3 weeks off of 12 hour shifts, and while the work’s easier, I do one trip of days, followed by the next trip of nights, the transition from which can be brutal when I get off. I’ll finish the night shift at 7am the morning I get off, and then have to go to check in for the helicopter straight off the bat. All going well, I’ll get ashore around 10.30-11.00, and then have to hang around Aberdeen until 14.30 for my flight down to Manchester, after which I’ll get the train home to Liverpool. All being well, I’ll get through the door at 18.00-18.30, without anything going awry, having been awake since around 16.00 the day before. I’ll then crash hard that night, usually around 21.00 I just can’t stay awake anymore, but then I’ll wake up, wide awake around 1.00-2.00am, and spend the rest of the night trying to get back to sleep, before having to get up and sort the little ‘uns breakfast out, and get her to nursery.
It seems now though that I’m stuck in that pattern, even when I’ve not been on nights, in that I’ll fall asleep, possibly around 22.00, normally after my daughter’s gone to sleep about an hour earlier, and then wake up between 2.00 and 3.00 for a wee, after which I just can’t get back to sleep, and spend the rest of the night trying to force myself back to sleep. I’ve recently given up caffeine, massively cutback on alcohol and joined a gym again for the first time in a few years, and although it’s only been just under a month, I haven’t really seen much, if any, difference at all.