installing Arch....

18 Oct 2002

after a recent update from suse which does not allow me to run my screen at 1680x1050 I thought i'd move to another distro.......and thought about Arch.

Been wanting to use it for some time but never really had the time/need to so tonight is the night :)

I need to have a working OS by close of play this evening, I need gnome,virtualbox and rdesktop as a minimum and also the ability to work through a proxy.

Is it best to go with the "standard" arch install or use one on of the live CD distros to install a base system and then install what i need on top?

was thinking of either chakra, ctkarchlive or kahelOS

my internet connection is around the 6meg

Go standard and follow the beginners guide which talks you through install everything you need.

Note that if this is your first install of Arch having a requirement of getting it working tonight isn't the safest idea :p If you follow the docs though it's easily doable.
well its the works laptop and i'll need it by 8am in the morning.

Might go with one o the live CD's in that case to get me to the weekend and then install from scratch if I get on with it.

From reviews it seems a pretty nippy, reliable distro :)
it would appear that Arch does not like my laptop HP probook 4320s.

after installation get a non system disk or disk error, have installed grub into MBR and the / partition. changed BIOS from AHCI to IDE mode and will try with a separate /boot
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