installing gentoo....

still no scrolly :(
i think i have the horizontal sync right, but the vertical sync i'm not sure about. the monitor does 1024x768 @ 85hz, i have the h sync @ 31.5-57.0 and the v sync @ 50-90
according to a website i found, the horizontal frequency is 30khz - 69khz, and the vertical is 40-120khz, but i think thats for 1280x1024 which it only does @ 60hz :(

how do i use the PS1 command to show
[username@hostname directory]$

adding those lines to XF86Config seems to have made no diff :(
i think its a soltek SL75KAV
Try thi what I quickly whipped together:
PS1="[\\u@\\h:\\w]\\$ "
You can add colours in as well, can't quite remember how to do that off the top off my head though, I'll have a look around.

Right put both those refresh rates into your XF86Config file under the monitor section. Those refresh settings are not for any particular resolution. These values are used to calculate your the maximum refresh at any particular resolution that your monitor can handle.
Excellent mate, see 1 down 3 to go :) ... how quick was that? Right thats really weird that you get a > since none of our lines even had a > in it :D .. let me think on that one.

Sound. Which kernel module/option did you enable? Also type dmesg and look for anything that looks like your sound :)
Originally posted by Mpemba Effect
Nozzer I like blue theme mate. But this is so your wallpaper ... it is almost just designed for you :D ... features larry the cow ;)

Heh, I was just playing around with blackbox themes, and there happened to be a WinXP one, so I thought I'd be all ironic and use that. I think that wallpaper is being saved though ;)

Lucifer: I think it's the terminal program you're using, hit ctrl+alt+f2 and log into a pure text tty, see what you get then.
woohoo! :D
right... think i'll leave recompiling 'till tomorrow, i didn't do anything with the sound after compiling support into the kernel, do i need to install anything else to make it work?

also, i need a file browser, any recommendations?
lol you'll need something to play the sound :D My favorites:

mpg321 - all your mp3 needs
cdcd - all you cd playing needs
sox - good for playing wavs, like sheep noises on centericq :)

File Browser? :eek: .... may I suggest a nice transparent aterm or Eterm? ... gives you a nice fuzzy feeling :)
i meant like nautilus or whatever in RH, or *shudders* windows explorer.

now for the scary bit... first time i tried BSD, i fell over at the first hurdle cos i was used to dir... i never knew the "ls" command existed :eek:
rox is great :) thx

now, how do i make X use truetype fonts? i think it installed freetype on its own :) but the fonts still look dodgy. i have my windows partition mounted so i can use the fonts from there if thats any good

EDIT: xterm still shows just "bash-2.05a#" :(
Oh Lucifer! :) Try typing PS1="[\\u@\\h:\\w]\\$ " again. Better still copy and paste it into your xterm. Highlight to copy and middle mouse to paste :) ... I'm not saying you cant copy :D

Truetype fonts you can run them off your windows partion I think ... well I can't see why not. You'll need to put the path in the XF86Config file with the rest of them. Then in your font dir type:
ttmkfdir > font.scale
mkfontdir -e /usr/X11R6/lib/font/encodings
You should already have freetype fonts installed so you should be able to choose them.

If you want anti-aliased fonts ... err talk to Nozzer :D
I have a precompiled tarball with fluxbox patched to use AA fonts, if you want it I'll link you up, it's about 1MB.

Just a case of extracting it to the right path(s).
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