Installing new Raptor

22 Jul 2004
North East, Cleveland
hey all, maybe you can help, I rma'd my 74gb raptor months ago and still havnt installed it yet, well tomorrow (ok today) I have some free time and want to install it which will replace my backup HDD. So basically my question is how do i install the floppy disk drivers needed for windows to pick up a new Raptor without a floppy drive?

are you re-installing windows from scratch i take it?
if so it might be on your motherboard CD, as mine had drivers on there for loading up the SATA Raid so it could see the hdd.
You'll only need the driver floppy if you're a) intending on reinstalling from scratch and b) the SATA port is operating in RAID mode.

If you're just adding the disk as a second drive to an existing windows install then simply power down the machine, fit the drive and power up. Windows should detect the new hardware automatically using the drivers that are already running the boot drive assuming it's SATA, if not you may need to load the drivers from the mobo CD. It should then just be a case of firing up the Disk Management app and partitioning and formatting the Raptor.
I have a 300GB SATA drive installed now, I want to remove it from my pc altogether and install a Raptor in its place.

So if my motherboard CD doesn't have the drivers needed am i fubar? or can I download these drivers and create my own CD before I take out my current HD?

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