Installing Sata Drives.....?

27 Aug 2005
Just received my Gigabyte DS3P Motherboard over the weekend and tried to install my old HDD's onto it but it would boot purely because my old C Drive was dead. Anyway, so i have another storage HDD also taken from the same old computer but for some strange reason bios cannot find this HDD :confused: I have always read that you need to install Sata drivers for these but i have never had to do this with these HDD! In the past when i come to install Windows XP it will always detect the HDD but when i come to do it this time, it says that it cannot detect any HDD when there is definately one plugged in :mad:

Any ideas
happy_2008 said:
Do they have these options on the DS3P Motherboard.....? Will try that when i get home, if that fails what are my other options?

You will have that option, my DS4 has it. Just set that and your SATA drives will work as IDE so you don't need to install drivers at the XP setup. :)
That will be why then. Get hold of an XP disk with SP2 already on it, or slipstream SP2 onto the disk yourself and then try installing from it and hopefully it'll then spot your SATA drive without any problems.
The version of XP on the disc has no bearing whatsoever on whether the SATA drives will be detected natively by the install. All SP1 and above gives you is 48bit LBA for partitions greater than 137Gb.

Whether your SATA installation will need drivers is determined by how the SATA controllers are set up in the BIOS:

Legacy / IDE Emulation - No drivers
SATA Native / AHCI - Drivers required
Any form of RAID - Drivers required
rpstewart said:

While you're here, just a quick question, and I apologise to the OP for going a little off topic, but is there any performance difference between having it Legacy IDE Emulation or SATA Native / AHCI?
happy_2008 said:
Tried the above and everything was fine on the motherboard.......? I got a gut feeling that the old computer took both HDD's with them :(
You tried loading up the drivers that I linked you to earlier, and loading them up into XP setup when prompted?
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