Insurance situation after speeding penalty

18 Oct 2005
I have a friend (no, really it isn't me :D ) who recently received a penalty for a speeding offence (3 points on previously clean license). They were wondering whether their insurance company would need to be notified, or whether the terms of the insurance agreement would have to be ammended before the next yearly renewal.

I thought one of you guys might know.

He should check his insurance documents :)

although just to be sure, i'd notify my insurance company straight away, to save any confusion.
I would wait until renewal and plead ignorance :) The clause which is unlikely to be worded specifically or brought to your attention, would be construed against the party relying on it (insurer) by a court, not to mention the Ombudsman.
From my experience you don't need to inform them till renewal, but from other people's experience you should tell them straight away. To be sure always ask them as it varies from place to place.
best off to just inform them, IME they dont load for 1 technical or 1 speeding offence anyway..

I informed my insurance company immediately and they told me i didn't need to tell them until my renewel date.
So it's worth ringing, just in case!
amx said:
I informed my insurance company immediately and they told me i didn't need to tell them until my renewel date.
So it's worth ringing, just in case!

Which insurance company are you with?
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