Insurance Win

I paid £850 to insure my car for on-road storage in 2 locations (home and uni) with the uni address a high risk area as a student being the only driver on the policy. Granted I was 19 (0NCB seen as I hadn't bothered with driving since passing) but still!
My insurance history looks like this:

1st year £1,300
2nd year ~£750
3rd year ~£600
4th and 5th years ~£350
1st year: £500 :D


£1300 was high for me 6 years ago, some of the quotes I am seeing for new drivers these days in 1.1litre boxes on wheels is absolutely shocking.
must be the times are changing. After my first year of driving in a 306 1.6 which cost me 1.1k to insure i went straight into my gt only a year later for £900. now i have 4 years no claims and with all mods declared im at £400. The funny thing is my missus who has only been driving a year and has only done 4000 miles in that year. made my premium go down. She is six months older than me though.
2.0 focus (diesel)

1st year - 1200
2nd year - 800
Looking for 3rd year now and it's looking like £600 which isnt terrible. May be changing cars and putting it back up to 1.5k again :eek: But i guess thats the price you pay for getting a <6s 0-60 car without 5 years no claims.

Though when i tried an evo quote (unmodified), the cheapest was around 3.5k! and only 1 insurer offered it to me :confused:
RS4 modded:

Year 1 £1250
Year 2 £720
Year 3 £630 (renew this month)

Pretty good considering the car and that's now with 3 years NCB :)
Jesus. Should you be on the road as that's got to be a few fault claims and/or a lot of points?

Definately not. Undoubtedly I'm a baby-killing speed demon with a disregard for the law and the safety of those around me.

Ant :cool:
peugeot 106 quiksilver

1st year : £2200
2nd year: £1200

only a 1k drop lol, hurts to be a young new driver. would have cost my step dad like 60 quid to insure.
Sounds good, but you don't win as you paid through the teeth for the first on average, got raped!

Multicar does have it's benefits though. I just wished my parents would go for it!
You've got to be a lunatic to spend more than £2k on car insurance unless you've got money to waste. I guess some kids simply don't have the patience to wait for a faster car. I know people who always have 'no money' yet to them it's acceptable to squander money on ridiculous car insurance premiums. I guess if driving a fast car really does give you an orgasmic level of pleasure then you can justify it :D
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