Insurance Win

Why do insurance threads always turn into a contest for who got the cheapest price at the youngest age. It beats me how some people can be insured at 17 for 800 on a 1.6 when others (including me in my first year) get skanked by 1400 on a 1.2.

Postcode. Add in a sprinkling of occupation, residential status, make and model of car but mainly where you live. I've just moved to a lovely postcode in North Yorks, hence my insurance is £350. The same quote was almost £500 more when I was living at my own property, garagedin Teesside, regardless of the fact it was in a nice area as it shared part of the postcode with somewhere that made Bazra look like a nice quiet spot.
heres mine

year 1 limited edition 1.8 Pug 405(K reg)(good for 145MPH) £1900 TPFT
year 2 same car £1600 TPFT
year 3 same car £1250 TPFT
year 4 Astra 1.6 club (Y reg)£720 Fully comp
year 5 same car £610 Fully comp
year 6 zafira 1.6 (06 reg)£390 Fully Comp with RAC full breakdown cover including home start
year 7 same car £445 same as above

this is from the age of 20-27
My insurance win is getting Adrian Flux to admit there was nothing in their or the insurance provider they had used small print which stated 10 month bonus accelerator obtained no claims could not be used as no claims.

Resulting in them reluctantly accepting I had 3 years no claim despite it being obtained in 30 months, refunding the second payment they had taken (because they changed the policy to me having no previous no claims after I sent them my proof) and getting a letter of apology.

Such a faff though, and on more than 1 occasion I was told I was wrong because they couldn't write everything in their terms and conditions because that would make them dozens of pages long. To which my response was you can if you expect me to accept the additional cost.
My insurance win is getting Adrian Flux to admit there was nothing in their or the insurance provider they had used small print which stated 10 month bonus accelerator obtained no claims could not be used as no claims.

The only downside to your victory is now you are insured with Adrian Flux.
No one with a clean record should have to pay some of the prices in this thread for car insurance. I really think there should be an industry price ceiling to prevent the exploitation of younger drivers.

That said the way some of these young lads drive it's extremely difficult to defend them.
No one with a clean record should have to pay some of the prices in this thread for car insurance. I really think there should be an industry price ceiling to prevent the exploitation of younger drivers.


That said the way some of these young lads drive it's extremely difficult to defend them.

Congratulations for defeating your own argument, in the same post :D
Shock horror as scott212 moans about insurance again, and as expected, fails to provide a credible alternative method for assessing pricing for young drivers.
I gave Money Supermeerkat a go this year, it had actually saved me a lot last year. Cheapest was twice that of my renewal from Admiral. Turns out a lot of insurers who will cover an Imported car, won't give quotes out via comparison sites for one. Back to ringing round the freephone numbers for me then.
Interestingly, my cheapest ever car insurance policy was my first - and I was the policy holder.

A combination of several claims, many points and increasingly higher performance cars has seen me never have a policy cheaper than the one on my Ford Escort 1.6 LX at 18.
Will be interesting to see what my insurance for the Type R is in October as I will be 25 then and 5yrs ncb. I mean fully comp just now is only 600 so im hoping being 25 will be a win.
Hope mine comes down that much. On my first year with admiral (Mercedes SLK) and paying £1400, which tbh is crazy good. Still want to be paying a lot less though!
When I was learning to drive at 17, adding me as a named driver to my Mum's policy doubled it from £400 to £800 - that was on a 1.3 Escort.

I'm still on her policy as a named driver, but now at 25, they added me for free. That's on a 1.6 Golf.

My Leon isn't a pleasant experience. When I took out the policy I was 24, with 1 year's experience, and 0NCB. It was £1200 with my girlfriend added as a named driver (23, 1 year, 0NCB).
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