New Content
New radial command menu for interacting with squad system (default bind is C).
All new third person weapon models.
New weapon: Mk18.
All new weapon and distant sounds.
Added in more HQ radio gameplay commands: “Last Man Standing”, “Restricted Area”, “Fall back (Push)”, “Low on Reinforcements”, “Out of Reinforcements”, “Objective Contested”, “Securing Objective” and “Objective Under Attack”
New loading screen with game mode information and map overview.
Gameplay Improvements
Updated maps (multiplayer and cooperative).
Made squads 8 and 8 (instead of 8-4-4).
You can now sprint, slide or jump through breakable glass.
If a capture is in progress in Push, it will prevent the round timer from ending the round when it expires.
Adjusted mouse input so you can no longer spin easily while prone.
Caches being destroyed now give off their own damage in addition to the damage dealt by the explosive taking it out.
Added a fade to black when players die.
Players and spectators go to the viewpoint after 5 seconds when the round ends instead of going instantly.
Added grenade auto-switch option which determines if the game should automatically switch your primary weapon after a grenade throw.
Added VIP preference setting to the game settings menu.
Lessened the intensity of trash particles so they get in the way of gameplay less.
Rocket launchers (AT-4 and RPG-7) now show on the player’s back when they’re not being used.
Cooperative and AI
Updated coop maps: Siege, Contact and District.
Added random counter-attack to Checkpoint in our effort to create more of a dynamic mission-driven Cooperative experience.
Raised the max coop lobbysize to 8. The default is still 6.
Bots can now detect/hit you if you are prone or leaning.
Bot spread is now affected by distance dynamically instead of being static.
Bots now simulate recoil.
Bots now go into cover if you shoot near them when they’re in the guard state.
Bots now go into cover if they are fully suppressed when in the attack state.
Bots now get more difficult as you progress through a round of Checkpoint (see “mp_coop_min_bot_difficulty” and “mp_coop_max_bot_difficulty”).
Bot team is no longer listed on the scoreboard.
Added a bunch of new gameplay related advanced bot settings as convars (all under “bot_*” in console).
Bots now investigate a bit more than previously, and move backwards around corners a little less.
All new weapon and distance sounds.
New explosion sound for when caches are destroyed.
Doubled the third person shot limit.
Added volume accumulation to weapons.
Updated subsonic whiz sounds.
Added death sounds.
New set of supersonic snap sounds.
Increased distance of bullet impact sounds and improved the falloff.
New bounce sound for grenades.
Reduced volume of ambient sound mixer.
User Interfaces
Kit UI: You can now access all your items from one screen with less mouse movement.
Kit UI: Added weapon upgrade lines highlighting attachment points.
Kit UI: Now tells you your class.
Kit UI: Fits better on 4:3.
Smoothed out the capture progress meter when multiple players are on a point.
Added voice/mute icons to the scoreboard.
Increased chat history length.
Made the scoreboard usable for 5:4 users.
Added HudHintText to clientscheme so that the hints display used by some admin plugins match the HUD a bit better.
Bug Fixes and Optimization
Fixed distance sounds.
Tracers come from the right place when in ADS.
Fixed laser sight in spectator.
Fixed a bug where weight and supply was not properly resetting when changing class.
Optimized explosions and impact FX, made small tweaks to impact FX.
Fixed a crash when looking up attachment names in the viewmodel.
Fixed a crash with the overhead map / squad menu.
Fixed crash playing back SourceTV demo.
Fixed a bug where melee damage with the knife was dealing damage every frame of the swing instead of once per swing like it should.
Fixed neutral cache icons.
Made scope texture use 1:1 aspect ratio so it doesn’t waste a load of pixels on nothing.
Fixed trash bag pile collision model so you no longer get stuck on them.
Shooting an RPG out of iron sights while moving no longer causes suicide.
Fixed HQ radio gameplay message volume being controlled by music volume.
Removed Content
We have temporarily removed Buhriz and Uprising from the game, so please remove them from your mapcycles. The reason they are removed is because we plan on bringing them up to the quality of the rest of our maps and re-releasing them at a later point in time. So don't worry, they are not being removed permanently, they are just being "revived" at a later point in time.