Insuring sunglasses

12 Sep 2006
Does anyone know the best way to go about insuring a pair of sunglasses? Just bought a pair of Ray Ban's and would like them covered incase they get nicked.
paul8811 said:
Home Contents should cover it

I doubt it. If I remember correctly home contents doesn't usually cover things you carry around on your person (mp3 players / mobile phones / sunglasses etc etc).
Guru said:
My sunnies cost more than my laptop would like to insure them too but I could never be arsed.

I got my glasses from Vision Express, £20 for 2 years "hit it with a hammer and get another pair" warranty.
Lagz said:
I doubt it. If I remember correctly home contents doesn't usually cover things you carry around on your person (mp3 players / mobile phones / sunglasses etc etc).
My clothes, wallet (and contents, including cash), laptop etc are covered in this country and worldwide up to £2500. House contents (also includes legal cover).
Lagz said:
I doubt it. If I remember correctly home contents doesn't usually cover things you carry around on your person (mp3 players / mobile phones / sunglasses etc etc).

A lot do. A lot will cover personal items when not in the house as long as your with them. Some even add accidental cover to that.
Not worth insuring a pair of raybans tbh. What did you pay for them? £89.
If you lose them or have them stolen, give me a shout as I can get them quite cheap :)
Come on guys - some people spend silly money on watches, think you should give him a break. His cash he can do what the hell he likes with it.
Noxis said:
Come on guys - some people spend silly money on watches, think you should give him a break. His cash he can do what the hell he likes with it.

They're Ray Ban's, hardly 'silly money'

As others have said, check your home contents cover, you're probbaly covered or can get extra cover for little cost.
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