Intel 1200 cpu water block recommendations

8 Jan 2011
London, UK
Hi all, can anyone recommend a decent 1200 cpu waterblock? There’s a large variation in price from what I can see. Is EK-QUANTUM MAGNITUDE D-RGB INTEL 1200 / 115X CPU WATER BLOCK - NICKEL + PLEXI any good and worthy of its price tag? Much appreciated :)
I am ashamed to say, I have the magnitude, and it's a lovely piece of kit, but it is not worth the price for the very small gain in performance.
The Magnitude, and Optimus Cpu blocks represent the best of the best in performance and quality, but unless you're at the point where 1-3 degrees matters, you're best off saving your money and getting any number of blocks.
The Magnitude replaced and Alphacool block I have on a 5Ghz All core 10900k. No real difference in performance for me. If you like the look of the EK blocks, I'd go for the Velocity and save £100
Ok thanks. Yes it does look quite nice, but the price… wowsers. Read a few reviews basically saying the same: great performance, but not recommended due to price differential to competitors.

Am putting together a new system, so am not needing to ‘fix’ another issue on an existing system by needing a 1-3C gain, but it’s good to know it’s an upper benchmark in terms of performance.

Velocity do look much more reasonable as you say.
I've tried cpu blocks from the <$15 Chinese knock-offs to the >$75 EK jobbies and noticed next to no temperature difference. Just buy whichever one you like the look of.
I'm using the slightly improved version of the XSPC Raystorm (EDGE), it does the job, keeps temps under 60c with a hefty overclock. There's not much else to say about it really, oh its got rgb too...

The aqua computer Kryos NEXT are also very good, they come with a little digital display read out for temp/flow etc.
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