Intel 660p name m.2

21 Jul 2019
I managed to get an intel 660p on a great deal (1gb for 80 quid). I was aware this was a budget QLC offering and that the drive wouldn’t last as long as others, but as it was backed by a 5 year warranty I felt ok buying it. Now in hindsight I would have bought a sabrent rocket for a bit more but that’s not an option now.

so, my question (finally) is what should I look for in drive degradation? Will my drive become unstable before grinding to a halt (so to speak) over time or will it be a more sudden thing?
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Awesome - thanks for letting me know about the software, I’ll download that and keep an eye on things.

I’d assumed that the drive would still have a decent lifespan, but read a couple of comments implying that QLC drives should be avoided like the plague...
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