intel BX



19 Oct 2002
Anyone thinking of a Intel Extreme D975bx-305 975X from OCuK, the one they sent me was a rev 304 and they are advertised as rev 305. Im not realy bothered but if you want a 305 it may be worth checking with them.
Just got home and checked. Seems my badaxe boards are not Rev 305. They are Rev 306 :)

Anyway, regardless, no problems with compatibility, performance, or anything else as far as I can tell.
Corasik said:
Just got home and checked. Seems my badaxe boards are not Rev 305. They are Rev 306 :)

Anyway, regardless, no problems with compatibility, performance, or anything else as far as I can tell.

What memory have you got with these boards. I am going to get one of these boards and would not want to know what memory to get so that it works straight out of the box. I don't want any of the problems people are having with some other boards and memory.
Corasik said:
Just got home and checked. Seems my badaxe boards are not Rev 305. They are Rev 306 :)

Anyway, regardless, no problems with compatibility, performance, or anything else as far as I can tell.

thats not bad considering its suppose to avaliable from the 27/09/06


Description of Change to the Customer:
1. Updating the BIOS to revision 1351.
2. Audio CODEC Revision. The STAC9220 and STAC9221D audio codec
upgraded to revision A6. No software impact expected.
3. Serial Number Changes. Product Serial numbers will begin
transitioning from a numerical only 5-digit value to a base 34 alphanumeric
value. This new serial number will include numerical values
and alphabet characters from A-Z, except for I and O. This change is a
soft conversion and will occur when the supply of older serial number
labels has been depleted
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<maddness> said:
thats not bad considering its suppose to avaliable from the 27/09/06


Description of Change to the Customer:
1. Updating the BIOS to revision 1351.
2. Audio CODEC Revision. The STAC9220 and STAC9221D audio codec
upgraded to revision A6. No software impact expected.
3. Serial Number Changes. Product Serial numbers will begin
transitioning from a numerical only 5-digit value to a base 34 alphanumeric
value. This new serial number will include numerical values
and alphabet characters from A-Z, except for I and O. This change is a
soft conversion and will occur when the supply of older serial number
labels has been depleted

So no real change then from 305
What revision of BIOS are you guys using ??

I have a Version 305 board and as purchased it wouldn't let me into the chipset config area at all.
I updated the BIOS (to what number I have forgotten).. will check in a mo..
I can now access only PART of necessary adjustments for overclocking.
I can change memory timings and voltage and CPU speed but not CPU voltage.
Driving me up the wall. :rolleyes:

At the moment if you have a 304 board I'd be a happy bunny as a freind has that and is fully accessible.

Great board though, no hicupps at all during install.

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Im using Corsair XMS2 5400C4, the board correctly detects it as 667mhz and sets that by default, although it doesnt detect that its C4, default timings were 5-5-5-16, however there was no problem when I overided that at set it to 4-4-4-12.

Performance, and stability are great, I've not tried overclocking it yet, because its simply fast enough already with my E6700. I'll probably clock it next year.

It was the fastest computer build ever, without a single hitch. Just threw all the componants into my case, powered up, and good to go.
Corasik said:
Im using Corsair XMS2 5400C4, the board correctly detects it as 667mhz and sets that by default, although it doesnt detect that its C4, default timings were 5-5-5-16, however there was no problem when I overided that at set it to 4-4-4-12.

Performance, and stability are great, I've not tried overclocking it yet, because its simply fast enough already with my E6700. I'll probably clock it next year.

It was the fastest computer build ever, without a single hitch. Just threw all the componants into my case, powered up, and good to go.

That was the memory on my shopping list. Touch wood it should be a straightforward build. Thanks.
nokinidea said:
I can now access only PART of necessary adjustments for overclocking.
I can change memory timings and voltage and CPU speed but not CPU voltage.

You need to unlock the full overclocking options by modding the board:

On a side note, are OcUK now selling the full retail version with rounded cables and accessories? At one point they were selling OEM ones in a brown box.
Explicit said:
You need to unlock the full overclocking options by modding the board:

On a side note, are OcUK now selling the full retail version with rounded cables and accessories? At one point they were selling OEM ones in a brown box.

Really is a quality board with quality bits. This is my first Intel board and I was pleasantly suprised.
I'll second that, my rev 305 board came thus:


Cheers for the link on modding the board, haven't had chance to go buy any metallic pen / paint yet.
nokinidea said:
I'll second that, my rev 305 board came thus:


Cheers for the link on modding the board, haven't had chance to go buy any metallic pen / paint yet.

I think other manufactures could learn a thing ot two from Intel. The picture doesn't do it justice.

Nice to see you got the ICS clockgen.
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