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Intel Core i7-7700K "Kaby Lake" SANDRA Scores Surface

I'm honestly not surprised anymore. I've totally lost interest in certain area's of modern computers and such where it feels like being drip fed and a reason to keep bumping up prices. Hype train can give it up already. Those who upgrade for upgrades sake will always do so, but the tech smart have taken note and offence.

This is why I decided to fit a full cover block on my Rampage V Extreme... I can't see any reason to upgrade my 5930k for the next five years, at the least.

CPU innovation is non existent if your main use is gaming.
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I wonder when we'll start seeing the earlier signs of new breakthrough tech? We're coming to the end now for certain on silicone chips.

I guess 3D Xpoint memory is one of those major tech shifts away from the norm we're used to.
From my perspective I feel Intel are taking the 'micheal' out of the enthusiast section of the market. If Zen perfroms even close to intel i might just buy a setup as a middle finger to intel and thrir attitude.
6700K/7700K (Z170, Z270) are not enthusiast products - they are mainstream products intended for 99% of users who game/use a PC for home use.

X99 are the enthusiast products, though many people waste a lot of money buying 6, 8, 10 core CPU's that they have no need for in a typical home consumer environment.
Same thing as nVidia are doing - move into the overclocking headroom to stretch the product line further.
No mention of the iGPU as though it doesn't exist as usual, people need to accept the fact that Intel mainstream processors are designed for mobile devices and simply repackaged for desktop.

There's no money in making processors especially for enthusiasts, hence why even Intel's enthusiast line are designed for servers and also repackaged.
why when there is cpus a lot faster.

they were great cpus but come on so many make out there is no difference.there is big differences.

as for how cpus are now.we sort of at the limit we can do so there wont be no massive increase jumps until new ways are sorted out.

I wouldn't say 'big differences', marginal incremental differences maybe, but it's not like P4 to Core2, that was a big difference.

I'm on a 2600K @ 4.4GHz, have been for what feels like forever now, and as a gamer I have absolutely no need to upgrade. There is no situation where my CPU holds back my GPU in a game.


So why would I drop a packet on moving to a 6700K, new mobo, and new DDR4?

I don't believe for one second believe that we are at the limit of CPU tech. Fact of the matter is AMD have offered no competition, as such Intel have provided marginal IPC and clockspeed increases for the past few years. Meaning anyone on an older OC'd CPU isn't missing out on much. Had AMD been competitive you can guarantee Intel would have pushed harder for larger gains over previous generations.
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I'm not sure why anyone is surprised. Intel moved from Tick -Tock to Process-Architecture-Optimization a while back.
Another generation, a marginal IPC increase. Looks like another year or two with my 2700K.

6700k annihilates Sandy in several games. By annihilate I mean the minimum FPS's are drastically improved. The 7700k will further increase this gap.

It's no longer 'cool' to harp on about using old hat sandy chips - they are now bottlenecking the latest GPU's.
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