Intel to launch Bearlake chipsets for desktops

X-fire and SLi always seem useless to me anyway, as at a given price point one card is usually faster than two costing half the price. E.g.

1 x 768Mb GTX > 2 x 320Mb GTS

and no hassle with compatibility etc.
Robbie G said:
X-fire and SLi always seem useless to me anyway, as at a given price point one card is usually faster than two costing half the price. E.g.

1 x 768Mb GTX > 2 x 320Mb GTS

and no hassle with compatibility etc.
I bet you wouldn't think an SLI or crossfire setup is useless if you had a dell 30" monitor...
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technology is progressing way too fast..

i havent even upgraded to a c2d system and theyre already coming out with the new least it'll hopefully drive the prices down a bit more..
Ok let me clarify / back track :p

Let's look at an example where a single GTX would be sufficient, e.g. a 24" TFT. They'd be better placed going for a single GTX than two GTSs no?

With a 30" screen and all the "trimmings", I can see how SLi GTXs would be required, but that's a thousand pounds of graphics. Then two months later another single card comes out for £400 that's capable of outperforming the SLi combo, and you've suddenly wasted £500 for two months of gaming.

That's my feeling on SLi etc although I certainly concede your point chaparral that people with large screens almost need SLI as a feature if they hope to make reasonable FPS on new games with high graphics settings.
Egosh said:
technology is progressing way too fast..

i haven't even upgraded to a c2d system and they're already coming out with the new least it'll hopefully drive the prices down a bit more..

I totally agree with you there, I thought that it was me just getting older :D
I remember saving up for ages to upgrade from my 386SX 25 to a 486DX2 66 and it was still at the top of the pile when months later I had the cash.

Not much gets to 'mature' on the market these days before it is superseded, and halved in value...!!!
chaparral said:
I bet you wouldn't think an SLI or crossfire setup is useless if you had a dell 30" monitor...

Actually - I think he might as even with Sli you can only use 320Mb of memory so at extreme resolutions the extra graphics horsepower could be waiting on ram swapping.
Vimes said:
I totally agree with you there, I thought that it was me just getting older :D
I remember saving up for ages to upgrade from my 386SX 25 to a 486DX2 66 and it was still at the top of the pile when months later I had the cash.

Not much gets to 'mature' on the market these days before it is superseded, and halved in value...!!!

i guess it sucks for people like me that work part time to save up for new hardware as opposed to the people with full time jobs with more disposable income since ive no idea when to buy new hardware...right now i dunno if should be buying or waiting to see what amd has got in line for us..
^ Obviously I don't know your circumstances, but that's the age-old problem of economics - how to allocate scarce resources. We're a race of unlimited wants and limited means to get them, and who has the most money is the only way to decide that. Unfortunately most people have to work to get that money, so the only solution that's guaranteed to put more pennies in your pocket is to get a full time job, as I'm sure you're well aware!
Egosh said:
i guess it sucks for people like me that work part time to save up for new hardware as opposed to the people with full time jobs with more disposable income since ive no idea when to buy new hardware...right now i dunno if should be buying or waiting to see what amd has got in line for us..

Even though I was (no longer due to some health issues) in a good position financially to buy any new 'toy' that appeared on the market, which was far too much therapy shopping, I am actually enjoying my PC more now than I ever did. No longer feeling the 'need' to rush out and buy the latest <insert name of component / peripheral> I get to enjoy my computer as a conduit to the software rather than getting pleasure out of just buying and playing with hardware, if that makes sense...!!!

I was a little annoyed when my graphics card packed in as I had absolutely no intentions of renewing it and now I have ended up with a 8800GTS - not suggesting that it is not a good card but it was a 'forced' choice of needing to buy a card or not have a PC, knowing too well that the 8800's will and have dropped in price.
Robbie G said:
^ Obviously I don't know your circumstances, but that's the age-old problem of economics - how to allocate scarce resources. We're a race of unlimited wants and limited means to get them, and who has the most money is the only way to decide that. Unfortunately most people have to work to get that money, so the only solution that's guaranteed to put more pennies in your pocket is to get a full time job, as I'm sure you're well aware!

yeh im a student at uni so ill just have to do with my part time job for now..its just that i suck at saving up money buts thats my fault..
Lol you all moan about your components being old look at mine, thats what being a 6th form layabout does for you. :D
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