Surprised no-one has asked this already...
Get out there with a Philips and unscrew the planks from all those cars and let's get one with it.
Thankyou for your concern, at least one of you buggers cares!
I didn't anticipate the boot coming down as quick as it did, when I was putting something in the boot, and therefore did not get my head out of the way quick enough, car boot meets head, me "OOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!" Then didn't realise i'd actually cut it open til I got to football and someone asked me what I had in my hair! Me more "Owwwwws!" then the bump appeared and me hurty hurty now
If you ever need a caring, sensitive bugger, you have my phone number.
Were you in charge of the bootlid or did someone shut it on you?
Did it meself, oooops!
Is that fresh rain? Seems like a lot more spray.