
Interleaving improves the stability of your line. If your router does not show that its on or off, then your ISP is the way to go (ask them)

I have a router/modem and mine doesn't tell me, but the way that i know when interleaving is on mine, is that i tracert

Interleaving off its usually 14ms
Interleaving on its usually 33ms

Basically, with interleaving off and you are suffering from drop outs of connection, that will probably be down to lots of noise on your line. BT's auto detect thingie will slap interleaving on to stabalize your connection.

If that fails aswell, they will more than likely raise your SNR value's and lower your BRAS stable rate.
wesley said:
will interleaving fix the errors i'm having on my phone line?
A couple of things I've noticed is that your upstream attenuation isn't shown and so it could well be a router 'bug'.

I also think that the errors you have on your line are extremely high for only 51 seconds of uptime!

Over 633,000 CRC and over 882,000 HEC errors :eek:

Also it's very unusual to see a high amount of errors on the upstream channel as it is the downstream channel that is usually affected by high error rates due to the increased speeds and lower SNR (compared to upstream) :confused:
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