Intermittent Fasting

3 May 2011
Anyone do this? I was recommended by a friend who previously weighed up to 15 stone, for his build he was overweight but now he's dropped 4 stone over a healthy period of time. He's recommended a few of us to try it and so far not being totally strict to it I've lost half a stone.

I am however looking to get back into weights, not wanting to kill myself I'm wondering if anyone else does the fasting but also does weights? I'm pretty much stuck to a desk all day and don't get an opportunity to exercise at work, since doing this I pretty much stop eating at 8pm and don't start eating again until 12pm. I will drink a couple of coffees and intake abit of water to stave off hunger, I've been eating better recently and have noticed the drop in weight through that.
Thanks for the feedback.

My window of training is essentially the evenings due to work and family commitments. I've found IF fits and is usually manageable in that I don't get hungry in these periods, I trained legs last night and must admit coming towards the end of the session I was feeling "burnt out".. I still managed to achieve what I wanted but I cannot get to the gym until half 7 - 8. Some advice needed, whilst I aim to finish eating at 8 I'm thinking of taking a protein shake post workout (so roughly around half 8)... I'm always told to eat after training but it's not possible for me, would the protein shake work as an alternative post workout?
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