Internal or External HD?

15 Oct 2006
I need another HD, and I was looking at getting either a External or Internal. Both options have their benefits. I was looking at the 60GB Western Digital. Which is £62 here. Or another 250GB HD. They are roughly the same price and both have their benefits but which one?
Internal drives will be faster, external are more expensive but you can disconnect them move from PC to PC, with a laptop etc. If you don't need portabability/transferring feature just get the internal drive.
As stated above its all down to what you are going to be using it for! However you can always get an internal drive and get an external enclosure to house it in. If its frequently used files programs that you are looking at putting on the hdd then i would suggest internally plumming it in the system. however if its just the odd pictures /backups and things and files that hardly get used then externally is fine.
Macabre said:
...I was looking at the 60GB Western Digital. Which is £62 here. Or another 250GB HD.
250 GB >> 60 GB.
If you are buying a new drive, one assumes you need space...

Why get a 60 GB drive for the same price as a 250 GB Drive?

Internal are MUCH cheaper.
Also, if you add £7 to your internal drives price and buy an eternal caddy (without HDD) - Makes any internal drive external.

So 250 GB internal = 250 GB External + £7.
MUCH better option than buying an external one for twice the price.

Personally - I'd go internal.
If you wish to move to external later then all you need to do is order a caddy and stick the HDD in it. :)
squiffy said:
Internal drives will be faster, external are more expensive but you can disconnect them move from PC to PC, with a laptop etc. If you don't need portabability/transferring feature just get the internal drive.
Just out of curiosity how does my external USB 2.0 hard drive's speed of 480Mbits/second compare with the ATA speed on an internal hard drive?

I thought that ATA was up to 133 Mbits per second or am I missing something :confused:

I only use the external drive for backup purposes BTW.
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