Internal or External?

25 Sep 2003
I'm looking for a new HDD to replace 3 very old drives in my PC. I want a 400gb drive but not sure if I should go for internal or external?

I can use either USB 2.0 or Firewire on my motherboard (DFI Lanparty UT4) or SATA II.

So, is there any performance disadvantage to using an external drive?

After reading around, I hear Seagates are the best overall drives too?

Thanks. :)
If buying to replace, won't you need at least 1 internal hard disk?

External HD's are good for storage & 'weekly' use but not as regular as internal ones. They are also slower (don't know if applies to eSATA though) & require an external power supply!
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I have a 70gb raptor as my boot drive, the other 3 are just old random drives for data storgae/backup. all three have numerous S.M.A.R.T errors and have done for about the last 6 months! I thought it's about time I got a decent drive before all my data is lost (I do backup every other week so not all is lost if they were to die).

Ok, so basically, externals are generally just for backups and won't take kindly to being used for games etc?

Which internal drive is better?

Samsung SpinPoint T HD401LJ 400GB SATA-II 16MB Cache - OEM (HD-034-SA)
Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 400GB ST3400620AS SATA-II 16MB Cache - OEM (HD-083-SE)

Quite like the look of the Samsung as it's quiet and cheaper but if the Seagate is a better/faster drive I'll get that one.


Just bought the Samsung Spinpoint, it being quieter and getting lots of good reviews meant I opted for it. :D

Thanks for the help.
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Mint_Sauce said:
{snip}Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 400GB ST3400620AS SATA-II 16MB Cache - OEM (HD-083-SE){snip}
The 7200.10 seem to be very good thanks to 'Perpendicular Recording Technology' (see here). Also, the 5-year warranty can not be ignored. I'd go for that :)
hp7909 said:
The 7200.10 seem to be very good thanks to 'Perpendicular Recording Technology' (see here). Also, the 5-year warranty can not be ignored. I'd go for that :)

Agh, I just bought the spinpoint! The perpendicular Recording Technology seems to just be a new way of storing data. 300gb is still 300gb although apparently it's more reliable now. Nice animation though! :D
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