Internal staff buy and sell board!

16 Nov 2002
The Moon
Hi all, not really sure how to set this up, but would like to knock up a very simple buy/sell/want board internally for our staff on an internal site.

Are there any package products I can use for this? It doesn't need to be anything OTT just an internal site staff can navigate to, post up something for sale etc with a picture or two and that's it really, maybe the option to make categories.

Does anything like this exist? Also needs to be super easy to set up as i'm a bit of a nerbert with things like this!
you could probably use forum software to do it and have the buy/sell/want areas similar to how they are done on this board. There's loads of other forums which do this as well fairly successfully for motorbikes/cameras etc.

If it's internal only then it can self police and it's very unlikely anyone will do something dodgy.
I had thought about using forum software but it just seems a bit OTT for what I want it for. Dont even want the ability to be able to sign up, just somewere people can type their name in, contact details, a description and attach a picture.

Is there anything a little easier than installing forum software?
Someone made one for our work, just sits on a local server.

All images are hosted on a network drive not on the page directly.

It just has a form to fill out which puts name, email, contact number and then a heading and description of items. You can update or remove your submission by entering your email.
yeah if it's a really simple form design you could make your own, most tutorials cover what you'd need say using php or something
Do you want it so that each staff member must register an account to make a posting? Would it strictly be "I'm selling X for £Y" or do you want some kind of bidding with a listing expiration date?
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Do you want it so that each staff member must register an account to make a posting? Would it strictly be "I'm selling X for £Y" or do you want some kind of bidding with a listing expiration date?

Hi Sniffy, basically just where a user can write their name, their contact details, description of the item, and attach a pic if they want. No signing up required.
No expiration date.
OK mate that should be fine. I done a few bits and pieces yesterday before I got that clarification. It currently has user sign-up. I thought this would be helpful for when an item is purchased. The user could get a little notification when they login or see it was purchased via a little user control panel. Is this OK or do you actually want no sign-up?
Thanks for your time on this mate. The ability to log into it etc is not needed. We dont have hundreds of staff for this to cater for so just the ability to post entries up for an item they want to sell will suffice - its not a large scale thing at all.

Having extra control panels and stuff will only complicate matters as their a very IT-phobic set of people as it is!
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Ultimately I'll do whatever you want. However I would stress that assigning an account to a staff member would make my job a lot easier and result in a richer application.

Let's say Bob makes a new listing. To see if the item has sold Bob would need to manually find his listing. Also if Alice wants to see all items she has listed and see all items she has bought she would need to manually check each listing. If the application has the notion of a User then all of this would be incredibly simple. I think for the sake of the 10 seconds it takes to make an account it's worth it.

Like I said though mate ultimately it's up to you, just thought I'd give my input. It would be no problem just adding a user details form when creating a listing or making a purchase.
If its easier for you just leave it with the users thing in, just wanted to make it as easy as possible and administratively less hassle for me as its not going to be a big and bustling buy and sell board.

I don't even know if anyone is going to use it, and with our work force being a bit IT dumb I wanted it to be as easy as possible to just post something up saying they've got such a thing for sale!

Appreciate you taking the time to do this either way sniffy!
Appreciate you taking the time to do this either way sniffy!

No worries :) I've been working on stuff that has been going a bit over my head recently so nice to just have a little play with something like this. Win-win really.

Besides setting it up you shouldn't ever need to touch it. Obviously users might forget their password but I could implement password reset via email so you wouldn't need to get involved.

If nothing comes up I might have something to show you tomorrow. Then if you think the whole user stuff is just going to confuse your staff I can remove it. I'll try make it really simple though.


In regards to categories I've shamelessly stolen the categories found on the friday-ad site. Go to and look at the categories under "For sale". Is that alright or would you like users to be able to specify their own category?
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Hey mate, sorry for the delay. Here's what I've done so far:

Still pretty visually rough around the edges but thought it was enough for you to get a feel for how it works so far. I haven't implemented all functionality but I guess most of it is there except a user area to view sold/unsold auctions (if you want that) and password reset via email. What do you think? The design of the code is pretty modular so can change stuff to your liking pretty easy so just let me know :)

A few things I need to sort out/tailor to your liking:

- Only accepts JPG images right now.
- Only a single image per auction.
- The sidemenu only displays categories that have an unsold auction related to them.
- An account is required to create an auction or purchase an item.
- Few usability issues (e.g. creating an account doesn't automatically log you in).
- No "wanted" section. Do you still want that?
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