International Friendlies – England 29/05 & 02/06 *** Spoilers ***

Same old stuff again.

It's like the midfield chuck a long ball pass to the front and then between all the forwards none of them can string a pass to each other at all. It's like playing hot potato where they want to get rid of the ball as quickly as possible as soon as it is at their feet.

I can't really say one good word about that performance - every single player was awful. The decisions on the passes, marking, goal scoring opportunities, my word...Just utter rubbish.

I am going to LOL so hard on Sunday if this is not far off the same team that faces Brazil. I hope we get embarrassed, like when the Germans gave us a kicking in the World Cup 2010. Then maybe, just maybe, people will understand that we are purely rubbish and by some miracle will not employ the attitude that we are up there with the best. Ideally, I'd like a change to the whole system, but that isn't gonna happen. It will probably take more 'embarrassments' for that to happen, and even then it probably won't.
Looks like the Match on the weekend is off.

Brazil-England friendly suspended over Maracana safety concerns

England's friendly with Brazil in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday has been suspended over safety issues at the recently renovated Maracana stadium.
A court order on Thursday ruled that the game will not go ahead, but that decision could still be overturned.
I wonder if Neymar will do anything of note tonight, or be his usual disappointing self when playing in these sorts of matches.
i truely hope brazil annihilate us. i want 6-0 minimum

Me too.

I am sick of the negative tactics which involve us playing in the most safe defensive formation such as 4-4-2 when we have doubts over our defence. Other nations have had weaker defences and yet play more attacking football. No wonder our players have the mentality of worrying about defeat all the time. It's a constant vicious circle. We shouldn't struggle against teams like Ireland period (no offense Ireland fans), but we do. We should've played 4-2-3-1 but we didn't. Instead, Roy wanted us to play it 'safe' with 4-4-2 so he had enough players that could come back and defend. He shouldn't be doing that against Ireland, he should be thinking how he can play the best attacking football possible. So what if our defence is not as good as it used to be? It's still better than most. We should be more concerned with moving the ball forward and stringing passes together to create an opportunity to attack and not how quickly we can run back to defend!!
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Hoping the same here, Brazil show us some good football & thrash the bejesus out of Roys Boys leaving no choice but to sack the Lot of them & start again from scratch, At least that way we wouldn't expect owt.
I can't say I'd be upset if we got utterly humiliated tonight. The standards expected of the team need to drop and I think we could do with a different manager as well.

It's just all very boring, embarrassing and depressing. :(

Also, ITV. :mad:
Brazil have sorted England right out in the match programme.

Henry Winter ‏@henrywinter 3m

Brazil programme: #eng "not been much of a threat since 66. How can players such as Lampard, Gerrard & Rooney fail in the moment of truth?"

Henry Winter ‏@henrywinter 1m

Brazil programme: "Cahill, Jagielka, Jones & Lescott...sturdy good head shot players, bit slower against speedy players of style of Neymar'

Phil McNulty ‏@philmcnulty 5m

Brazil match programme has got England taped: "World Champion in 1966...the team has not been much of a threat since then." Charming.

Martyn Ziegler ‏@martynziegler 4m

From ‏Brazil v Eng programme: "How can the most lucrative club league in the world not have a team in the German, Spanish, Italian level?..
Roy's between a rock and a hard place. The media expect a win, at the very least a draw with whoever they play. If the team played brilliantly but lost 3-0 to someone like Ireland at the weekend then people would be calling for his head. Being England manager is like doing something you hate because it's a good job. The media slate you constantly unless you win the world cup 6-0 in the final against Argentina or Germany. Any other result is seen as failure. The players are somewhat decent but rarely play as a team. Their egos are constantly stroked at their clubs so it's no wonder they feel like they just turn up, play and they should win. A manager that's not all touchy feely and will bawl and shout is needed. I wonder if Sir Alex would do it? He wouldn't put up with any rubbish.
England XI

Hart; Johnson, Cahill, Jagielka, Baines; Walcott, Jones, Carrick, Lampard, Milner; Rooney
Nice attacking team :o

4-5-1 with Rooney dropping deep...

It'll be... or should I say attempted to be.

-------------- Hart ------------

Johnson - Cahill - Jags - Baines

------- Jones ---- Carrick -----

Walcott ---- Lampard --- Milner

------------ Rooney ----------
-------------- Hart ------------
Johnson - Cahill - Jags - Baines
------- Jones ---- Carrick -----
Walcott ---- Lampard --- Milner
------------ Rooney -----------

Fixed! :p
-------------- Hart ------------
Johnson - Cahill - Jags - Baines
------- Jones ---- Carrick -----
Walcott ---- Lampard --- Milner
------------ Rooney -----------

Fixed! :p

Unfortunately too accurate
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