International Space Station

16 May 2004
I was just walking to the shop and it is a clear night here in Derby. As always I look to the stars to see whats going on and I saw a real bright one just below the moon. I am presuming this is the ISS. Correct me if I am wrong.

What I would like to know is there a telescope out there I can buy that will be good enough to make out the ISS with all its shapes and colours etc?

I know you can get ones that can fill the view finder witha good sharp image of Saturn etc which is millions of miles away but would this work for something closer?
I checked the Nasa website etc to see it current location and got totaly lost... got mixed up with my Azimuth and longitude etc. I have know idea what that is all about.:confused: :)
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Fusion said:
You were probably thinking of Venus, which can currently be seen below the moon.

Very bright if it is. Not saying your wrong but I would presume the ISS would be the brightest thing in the night sky due to it being the closest.:confused:
Just had a look out of my window and it seems as though its got a little lower towards the horizon. Maybe its the ISS?

Anyone got any idea what we can use to check what is viewable in the sky from my position?
Mr Mag00 said:
if you config, select human crew and the add ISS ZARYA, its nowhere near us you can also add the shuttle when its up, and i use it to i think spot one of the last shuttle flights late one night

Your right its near Argentina.. we wouldnt be able to see it..
Tachyon said:
The version I'm using is Starry Night Enthusiast 4.5. It's a few years old now, I'm not sure what the latest versions have but when you start it up it updates any comet positions etc...

I've found it really useful if your anyway interested in the night sky as you can put in your location & then go outside & you've a good idea what your looking at.

During the Lunar eclispe thread some one said they can see a faint streak in the sky and said it was our milkyway. Is this true? Can we see our own Galaxy?
VaderDSL said:
We can see the other arms in our Galaxy, we're in the Orion arm afaik, and we see other arms and the galactic centre i think.

Amazing.:eek: When ever I see pictures of other galaxys and the total massiveness of them its hard to comprehend just how small we are in all this. Its very strange being able to see our own galaxy from where we are on our planet.

I realise we are on the edge of our galaxy so to speak but to see it. wow..
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