Internet forums

A few others, but unfortunately many of the old specialist forums are now just an ugly mess of a FB page where you can't find anything of use and you're giving over all your information to the advertisers for the privilege of attempting to find that bit of information you know you saw a few weeks ago.

I used to be an active member on about 30-40 forums (active as in reading at least once a week and usually a couple of posts), these days there are only about 8 of them remaining either because they moved over to FB, or because the owners sold up and the new owners shut them down*, or simply the owners didn't have the time to run them any more.

*One of the best anime resources in the English language (at least for official releases) sold up and within about 2 years the new owners had shut it down because they didn't want the cost of running the forum (which is what had the most engagement of the site and IIRC had unobtrusive adverts that were from vetted and specific companies that related to the content), and I think they'd over extended by buying multiple such site:( (IIRC it resulted in the loss of something like 15 years of reviews and articles).
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This is my main 'go-to' forum where I am actually active and post most days. Though I am also a lurker/part-time poster on BoxRec, Autosport, FontGeek and one I can't mention here.

Reddit as well but that's not really a forum
What's an internet forum. ;)

Like this but with a bit more HTTPS
A few football ones and occasionally Digital Spy if there's a tv program I want to follow along with.

Other than that Reddit has replaced my need for forums. There really is a reddit for everything.

Reddit has actually also replaced Google search a lot of the time. If I want the answer to something I add 'Reddit' to the end of anything I search.
Nope, I only really lurk on other forums or have one or two posts.

This is the only Internet forum that matters.
Reddit and here are only 2 that I use daily. Gone are the days of niche forums for groups / items / cars etc.
I lurk in a couple of flight sim forums but my posting (and playing) days are mostly over. This is pretty much the only one I look at every day.
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I've recently joined Reddit, not sure if that counts but essentially I use it the same way I use a forum like this (which I think some find odd if I write an "essay" response). The nice thing about Reddit is it has a fairly high throughput of posting, there are some topics I enjoy discussing that don't get much traction on here.
This has been my main forum since I joined. I'll check the "new posts" page several times a day to read discussions about topics which matter and see if anyone famous has died.

I have an account on another popular forum for the classifieds, but haven't used that for a while.

Created an account on Reddit last year to keep track of some technical stuff and only visit when needed.
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