Internet Problems.

21 Feb 2006
Hey guys!

I'm currently on Virgin Media, and are now doing my nut in, slow speeds and terrible customer service. I'm going to cancel my Broadband with them and go to ADSL. BE broadband has just currently been set up at my local exchange, which is roughly 2miles away (5mins).

Can anyone shed some lite about BE and getting a phone line installed for ADSL? As my parents want to keep Virgin Media TV and Phoneline, but I'll need a BT phone line installed. Is that possible?
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It is possible, but you'll be paying line rental for the BT line which is a bit of a waste.

It's definitely possible though; my Mum has a BT line and ADSL for work and we use Virgin for home internet/phone/TV :)
Hmm, that's kinda my only option, as Virgin Media just keep saying "It's fine on our end" or "It's your PC".

Is ADSL generally better than cable anyway? Always read up people on ADSL always have a better connection than Cable.
It's not really quite like that, it's more down to who you're with. Some ADSL is great, whereas some is just ass.

Maybe it actually is something at your end and Virgin are fine? What's the actual problem you're getting?
From around 3pm to 1am, I get slow speeds, high pings and lots of packetloss. Currently on 4mb.

It's nothing todo with my PC, as the internet is fine after that, so it's got to be a network utilization problem. Which Virgin Media don't know when they're fixing it.

Frankly, That's the only times I use the internet, and i dont think i should be paying for such a poor service.

*Edit* The ADSL i'm looking togo with is Be* Unlimited.
To be honest that is peak time, you could just have a stoudly large amount of people using your line at the same time which is just bad luck I'm afraid.

As for ADSL, I'm totally clueless on companies and am happy to stay so, there are waaaaaaaaaay too many to mull over :p
Yeah, I figured loads of people are using the same line as me, but Virgin Media should do something about this.

I just need to know how much it will cost for a BT line, to go ADSL.

Can anyone please shed some light? As I'm clueless about ADSL. :(
Actually with Be, it's how far you are - if you're too far away, Be won't even try.

FunkyT said:
It will depend on his line stats.

Which is what I was getting at, though without a line it's going to be hard to obtain line stats...
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Just found out that the local exchange I'm connected to, doesn't support BE* Broadband. It's also estimated at 3.5Mbs. " />

"According to BT Wholesale, your line should be able to support a 3.5Mbps or greater ADSL connection via ADSL Max, you are approximately 2.86km from the exchange (straight line distance)."

So basically, I'm going to get *spoon* internet with any ISP.

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