Introducing the bestest flavour pop in the world..........

18 Oct 2002
Hyogo, Japan..Botchi! Botchi!
Space Flavour



It tastes just like space (aparently)
It tastes like coke, lemonade, orangeade and Iron Bru, which, I assume is exactly what space tastes like.

My other theory is that it's a mixture of all the flavourings that were scrapped from the bottom of the flavour barrels at the factory.

I much prefer the first theory though :D
Is that stuff even legal? Judging by the derranged bottle design of a tripped out madman it really shouldn't be...

Haha, that's excellent. If you send me some I'll reply with some Irn Bru, it's made from girders you know. :D
Tru said:
Haha, that's excellent. If you send me some I'll reply with some Irn Bru, it's made from girders you know. :D
I said that in England and no one understood and thought i was weird. Surely everyone knows that its made from iron girders :rolleyes: :p
Blackstar said:
I said that in England and no one understood and thought i was weird. Surely everyone knows that its made from iron girders :rolleyes: :p
I always picture the Barrs factory with girders rolling in one end and Irn Bru pouring out the other.
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