Introducing the brand new GeForce GTX TITAN Z

That is to say if it's the former, wouldn't two Titan Blacks be a better buy?

Yes, but they will take up more space, use more power and produce more heat, the price is dependant on if you think the convenience is worth paying the extra for (IMO, no unless your doing compute)

Technically if your not space/power/heat concious then three titan blacks are also a better buy lol.
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Nice card, ridiculous price.

Are them clocks confirmed? if so they are low, it will have a job beating out the 295.
Thought Nvidia delayed the launch to trying to up the voltage and clock speed of the GPUs without a I guess they just decided to give up in the end, and thought "just need to make sure that Nvidia logo is extra shiny...and people WILL buy them anyhow" :p
Thought Nvidia delayed the launch to trying to up the voltage and clock speed of the GPUs without a I guess they just decided to give up in the end, and thought "just need to make sure that Nvidia logo is extra shiny...and people WILL buy them anyhow" :p

I think they were just waiting on drivers because AFAIK the ones it uses in reviews to beat the 295X2 are new drivers?
It's a compute card which the board partners are marketing at gamers (because gamers have loads of cash and are a bit stupid*).

* I'm kidding**

** I'm not :)
Yes, but they will take up more space, use more power and produce more heat, the price is dependant on if you think the convenience is worth paying the extra for (IMO, no unless your doing compute)

Technically if your not space/power/heat conscious then three titan blacks are also a better buy lol.

Shirley anyone buying this is out for max performance? So power/space/cooling isn't a concern?

I'd also wager anyone buying this probably has a sufficiently spec'd rig to handle one of these or 3 Titans.

It's neat in it's own opulence, but I can't see the point of it really. Boobs on a fish.
Look at it this way guys, at 1.6MH/s it will only take it 4 years to pay for itself :D well assuming difficulty doesn't rise, and not including power costs :P
The price is hilarious. Wait a year for a card which costs 500 and gives you 2 thirds the performance...
That price though. Its a nice card and certainly not for the average user but I cannot get over that price. It has no equal right now but that is seriously insane.

You could buy 2 295x2's for that and have £200 spare.

Nvidia really are the Apple of the gpu market.
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