Introduction into coding - Python

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Well, I've spent the last week reading the starts to a plethora of 'coding tutorials/guides/introductions' etc etc. So, I thought I'd ask what everyones suggestion is?

I'm set on Python as I'm surrounded by vert pro's of Python and the wealth of knowledge is invaluable.

16 Apr 2007
Well, I've spent the last week reading the starts to a plethora of 'coding tutorials/guides/introductions' etc etc. So, I thought I'd ask what everyones suggestion is?

I'm set on Python as I'm surrounded by vert pro's of Python and the wealth of knowledge is invaluable.

Find a small project and try and complete it. Learn by doing.
Something thats useful to you is a good idea if not something that touches on a lot of areas like data access, UI, possibly DB. Things like customer managment systems come out a lot aswell as stock management as these are simple systems which let you get to know a lot.
What is your end goal of this?
1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Find a small project and try and complete it. Learn by doing.
Something thats useful to you is a good idea if not something that touches on a lot of areas like data access, UI, possibly DB. Things like customer managment systems come out a lot aswell as stock management as these are simple systems which let you get to know a lot.
What is your end goal of this?

End goal is to home study, then possibly transition into a junior role within a couple of years, although I accept that might be optimistic. I'm enrolling in a Open Uni course starting in October, it's 6 years long but that's mainly just for the degree at the end of it as I don't currently hold a degree. Went into IT at 17 and have been doing it ever since.

1. Put knowledge of Python on CV
2. Wait for job offer from Google
3. ?????
4. Profit!


If only it was that easy.
7 Apr 2008
Purely from my own experiences, I'd personally start at the deep-end with C. Low-level, teaches you about good coding practices (making your code re-usable, establishing or following a coding "standard" for readability etc), data types and how they are interpreted under various circumstances, bit manipulation, how variables are stored in memory etc, and gives you a strong foundation to work from when picking up other languages.

Something like an SNTP server is a great place to start once you have a better understanding of the syntax and basic programming concepts, as it deals with all of the above yet isn't difficult to understand fundamentally.
1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Really? I was told Python simply as it's easy to understand but at the same time teaches me the basics of programming?

Surely by jumping in the deep end, I'll be hindering my self?
16 Aug 2010
No not really. C is good to pick up and can start very simple. You build up nicely into some core concepts. Get the classic C book - the C programming language. It's a solid foundation and cheap.
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20 Dec 2004
I don't think it's necessarily a pre-requisite, you can crack on and learn higher-level concepts in Python etc, but imo before you can become a top-class programmer, you need to at least have some experience in C and managing your own pointers and memory.

It makes understanding what and why the higher level languages and features do what they do that much easier. If you're in any performance critical environment understanding those concepts along data-oriented programming is vital.
16 Feb 2004
just stick with python for now. You can learn a lot of stuff from it and also learn how to make tidy clean code. If you want to go lower level after learning all the basics then try out C. If for example you are just wanting to develop web tier stuff then C is pretty pointless.
7 Apr 2008
Really? I was told Python simply as it's easy to understand but at the same time teaches me the basics of programming?

Surely by jumping in the deep end, I'll be hindering my self?
Thing is, for bog standard procedural programming, most of the languages are fairly similar, and logic is, well, logic. I don't personally know Python, however having a quick gander, you'll probably pick up the basic programming concepts fairly quickly. C would allow you to do this just as easily, and at the same time allow you to take things further (understanding data storage in memory, and managing memory, as before).

No not really. C is good to pick up and can start very simple. You build up nicely into some core concepts. Get the classic C book - the C programming language. It's a solid foundation and cheap.
K&R is probably a bit difficult at the very beginning. Never really found a decent book to be honest as the true "beginners" books were achingly slow. It was mainly Googling and playing around that worked for me. K&R serves as a great reference after getting the basics down though.

I don't think it's necessarily a pre-requisite, you can crack on and learn higher-level concepts in Python etc, but imo before you can become a top-class programmer, you need to at least have some experience in C and managing your own pointers and memory.

It makes understanding what and why the higher level languages and features do what they do that much easier. If you're in any performance critical environment understanding those concepts along data-oriented programming is vital.
This exactly.

just stick with python for now. You can learn a lot of stuff from it and also learn how to make tidy clean code. If you want to go lower level after learning all the basics then try out C. If for example you are just wanting to develop web tier stuff then C is pretty pointless.
Most university courses are going to teach languages such as C, Java etc, with a little web stuff on the side though. Python for the sake of university probably isn't going to be handy.

Making tidy and clean code is something that one should be doing anyway ;)
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