Invisible shield users - In the Box

26 Oct 2002
East Sussex
Just a quickie,

I have today received my Invisible shield for the Iphone 3G (ordered from CPW)

Anyone purchased on of these recently? did your bottle of "Shieldspray" have writing on the bottle?

Secondly I have googled some images on the Squeegee as I didn't think I had received one. In the my box I have an all in one Installation and Gift Card! It basically looks like a credit card size card.

Did anyone else receive one of these, instead of the Squeege?
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Last time I ordered one (straight from source) I also had the same contents as yours, however I don't remember seeing any writing on the bottle.

My bottle doesn't have any writing on it, all the videos I have watched have a proper squeegee and writing on the bottle.
Mine had a black rubber thing that was obviously meant to be a squeegee.
Bought from CPW in store. Opened box, looked at the small fiddly parts and put in my oddments drawer where it now lives :D
Dont think I had writing on the bottle, but it was a black rubber squeegee.

BTW I nearly ran out of the 'solution' (got a bit giddy with it), and if you do, they say you can just fill it with water (its almost a soap solution anyway)
I just tried installing an Invisible Shield on my 3G gave up in the end and whacked it in the bin. Didn't like the way it looked on the device at all, and after lots of fiddling trying to get it look right loads of dust got under it.

Ah well, will buy a case thing for it to live in.
Did you leave it to dry?

got the 3GS and the Invisible Shield, I will have a go at installing it later.
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