iOS 4.0.2 Released

No point in having a Iphone for me unless you JB it same with Android and root.

I must be missing the point then. I restored both my iPhone 4 and iPad after Jailbreaking. Neither gave me any real benefit.

If you want to JB fine, I can see the benefits for some people, but don't say there is no point to the device unless you do it, that's just a little stupid ;)
Let's just hope the Dev team finds another way to jailbreak soon

Holding off buying my iPhone 4 until this happens, an unjailbroken iPhone is wasted technology IMO
I didn't get a iPhone to jailbreak I got a iPhone because I wanted a iPhone. Who seriously buy's a phone specifically because you can jailbreak it? That's just dumb.
For those who have jailbroken, the dev team will be releasing their own way to patch the PDF exploit soon, they are just testing it before releasing it to the public. This will save updating to 4.0.2 :)

this is out now
posted details on the main iphone thread just now
can be obtained via cydia, just search for pdf and it will list it in the 2 results
clever saurik i say !!

@ vegeta

its not dumb at all, whats dumb is being tied in to what apple want you to have access too, and what apple will let you do. jeez, some guy has developed a flash for the iphone, we cant have flash because apple says so !
i bought an iphone because i wanted to, i jailbroke it because im not resticted to what apple say i can do with my £600+ phone i bought off them, now ask yourself "who is dumb ?"
simple as that brother
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I guess that's true

this is out now
posted details on the main iphone thread just now
can be obtained via cydia, just search for pdf and it will list it in the 2 results
clever saurik i say !!

@ vegeta

its not dumb at all, whats dumb is being tied in to what apple want you to have access too, and what apple will let you do. jeez, some guy has developed a flash for the iphone, we cant have flash because apple says so !
i bought an iphone because i wanted to, i jailbroke it because im not resticted to what apple say i can do with my £600+ phone i bought off them, now ask yourself "who is dumb ?"
simple as that brother

If you want to buy something and mess around with it then it's up to the end user. It just depends on that person whether they're willing to put the device at risk in doing so. I like to play it safe with my iPhone so I don't mess with it - and I am happy and comfortable in my world where if the phone breaks they just replace it and I don't have to worry about bricking it at my expense ever.

For those who want to live more dangerously let them I say!
The only reason I jailbreak my iPhone is for WiFi sync, no other reason. I don't see any other reason, I'm not going to load silly things like flash on to my phone just for the sake of it.
this is out now
posted details on the main iphone thread just now
can be obtained via cydia, just search for pdf and it will list it in the 2 results
clever saurik i say !!

@ vegeta

its not dumb at all, whats dumb is being tied in to what apple want you to have access too, and what apple will let you do. jeez, some guy has developed a flash for the iphone, we cant have flash because apple says so !
i bought an iphone because i wanted to, i jailbroke it because im not resticted to what apple say i can do with my £600+ phone i bought off them, now ask yourself "who is dumb ?"
simple as that brother
What the hell are you on about and why are you taking it personal. I'm jailbroken too you fool lol.
i aint no fool, fool
i wasnt taking it personal, chill brother, i was just stating the reason why i JB
Yeah well read the thread dude. Some guy said something like 'if you were going to jailbreak should just get a android' for which my reply was intended for - I bought a iPhone because I wanted that and now that I have JBroken it then it's just a extra I would still have it over a jailbroken android phone I wouldn't buy a phone over another one just because it is capable of being jailbroken.
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